Omap is Golang package for working with thread safe ordered maps. The ordered map contains the golang map, list and mutex to execute Ordered Map functions.
The Ordered Map is a map that remembers the order of items. The map can be iterated over to retrieve the items in the order they were added.
The omap Go package is a lightweight and efficient library for working with ordered maps in Go. An ordered map is a data structure that combines the benefits of a map and a list, allowing you to store key-value pairs in a specific order.
Omap is a Go package that provides an implementation of an ordered map. It is designed to be fast, efficient, and easy to use. Omap is particularly useful when you need to store data in a specific order, such as when working with configuration files, caching, or data processing pipelines.
Ordered: omap preserves the order in which key-value pairs are inserted, allowing you to iterate over the map in a specific order.
Fast lookups: omap uses a hash table to store key-value pairs, making lookups fast and efficient.
Efficient insertion and deletion: omap uses a linked list to store the order of key-value pairs, making insertion and deletion operations efficient.
To use omap, you can install it using the following command:
go get
Here is an example of how to use omap:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Create a new ordered map
m, err := omap.New[string, string]()
if err != nil {
// Insert some key-value pairs
m.Set("key1", "value1")
m.Set("key2", "value2")
m.Set("key3", "value3")
// Iterate over the omap in order
for _, pair := range m.Pairs() {
fmt.Printf("%s: %s\n", pair.Key, pair.Value)
This code creates a new omap, inserts some key-value pairs, and then iterates over the omap in order, printing out each key-value pair.
Execute this example on Go playground:
Or run it on your local machine: go run ./examples/pairs/
The omap Go package is a useful library for working with ordered maps in Go. Its fast lookups, efficient insertion and deletion, and ordered iteration make it a great choice for a variety of use cases. Whether you're working with configuration files, caching, or data processing pipelines, omap is definitely worth considering.
Configuration files: Use omap to store configuration data in a specific order, making it easy to iterate over the configuration and apply settings in the correct order.
Caching: Use omap to store cached data in a specific order, making it easy to iterate over the cache and evict items in the correct order.
Data processing pipelines: Use omap to store data in a specific order, making it easy to iterate over the data and process it in the correct order.
package main
import (
func main() {
fmt.Println("Ordered map basic example")
// Struct to store in ordered map
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
// Create new ordered map
o, err := omap.New[string, *Person]()
if err != nil {
// Add records to ordered map
o.Set("John", &Person{Name: "John", Age: 30})
o.Set("Jane", &Person{Name: "Jane", Age: 25})
o.Set("Bob", &Person{Name: "Bob", Age: 40})
o.Set("Alice", &Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 35})
// Print all records
fmt.Print("\nList records ordered by default (insertion):\n\n")
o.ForEach(func(key string, data *Person) {
fmt.Println(key, data)
Execute this example on Go playground:
Or run it on your local machine: go run ./examples/basic/
By default, the ordered map is created with one default (insertion) index.
You can create additional indexes by adding there sort functions and names to the ordered map creation function. All indexes are recalculated on each operation with map.
package main
import (
// Struct to store in ordered map
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int
func main() {
fmt.Println("Ordered map multiple indexes example")
// Create new ordered map with indexes by Name and Age
o, err := omap.New(
omap.Index[string, *Person]{Key: "Name", Func: CompareByName},
omap.Index[string, *Person]{Key: "Key", Func: omap.CompareByKey[string, *Person]},
omap.Index[string, *Person]{Key: "AgeAsc", Func: CompareByAgeAsc},
omap.Index[string, *Person]{Key: "AgeDesc", Func: CompareByAgeDesc},
if err != nil {
// Add records to ordered map
o.Set("John", &Person{Name: "John", Age: 30})
o.Set("Jane", &Person{Name: "Jane", Age: 25})
o.Set("Bob", &Person{Name: "Bob", Age: 40})
o.Set("Alice", &Person{Name: "Alice", Age: 35})
// Print all records
fmt.Print("\nList records ordered by default (insertion):\n\n")
o.ForEach(func(key string, data *Person) {
fmt.Println(key, data)
// Print all records by Name index
fmt.Print("\nList records ordered by Name index:\n\n")
o.ForEach(func(key string, data *Person) {
fmt.Println(key, data)
}, "Name")
// Print all records by Age ascending index
fmt.Print("\nList records ordered by Age index:\n\n")
o.ForEach(func(key string, data *Person) {
fmt.Println(key, data)
}, "AgeAsc")
// Print all records by Age descending index
fmt.Print("\nList records ordered by Age index:\n\n")
o.ForEach(func(key string, data *Person) {
fmt.Println(key, data)
}, "AgeDesc")
func CompareByName(r1, r2 *omap.Record[string, *Person]) int {
return strings.Compare(
strings.ToLower(r1.Data().Name), strings.ToLower(r2.Data().Name),
func CompareByAgeAsc(r1, r2 *omap.Record[string, *Person]) int {
return r1.Data().Age - r2.Data().Age
func CompareByAgeDesc(r1, r2 *omap.Record[string, *Person]) int {
return r2.Data().Age - r1.Data().Age
Execute this example on Go playground:
Or run it on your local machine: go run ./examples/multiple_index/