Convert multiple images at a time to webp format. You can execute as both CLI and via Script.
Current Latest Version: 1.0.2
ChangeLog for 1.0.2: Fixed Directory path error
ChangeLog: for : 1.0.1 Added github URLs in package json file
Features added for Version: 1.0.0 Features:
Example Usage:
From CLI Usage like this : webp-bulk convert -e [image_extensions] -o
To Run as a script Use like this : node index.js convert -e [image extensions] -o
-e, --extensions : provide extensions seperated by spaces ex: -e png jpg jpeg
to convert all this extension images to webp format in current directory recursively.
-o, --output : It is optional parameter,
If you want all converted images to output to separate directory then provide this flag
By default output image is stored in its same directory(sub directory, if) path