This is a multilingual language translation system built using Streamlit. It takes a text input from the user and predicts the language of the text.
You can check the Streamlit app from the below link : WebApp link
The code for the system is as follows:
you can check :
The code is divided into two sections: the Streamlit code and the Python code.
The Streamlit code is responsible for the user interface of the system. It creates a form where the user can enter a text and click the "Submit" button to predict the language of the text.
The Python code is responsible for the prediction logic. It loads the language translation dataset, trains a LinearSVC model on the dataset, and predicts the language of the text entered by the user.
To use the system, follow these steps:
- Open the system in your browser.
- Enter a text in the text input field.
- Click the "Submit" button.
- The system will predict the language of the text and display the result in a message.
The system is a basic example of a multilingual language translation system. It has the following limitations:
- It only supports a small number of languages.
- It is not very accurate.
- It can be slow to predict the language of a text.
The following are some possible ways to improve the system:
- Add support for more languages.
- Improve the accuracy of the system.
- Make the system faster.
- Add a feature to allow the user to translate a text from one language to another.