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Prefetch page's data on link hover for Nuxt.js. (Instantclick port for Nuxt).

How it works

  1. User hovers on the link
  2. Parse the link and prefetch Json API to prepare data (if prefetchable)
  3. User click on a link, change event will fire (url, response data are included)
  4. Your callback hooked by change event will dispatch => you can set data into Vuex store, and render route as normally.


You can install with NPM/Yarn:

# yarn
yarn add @kimyvgy/nuxt-instantclick

# or npm
npm install @kimyvgy/nuxt-instantclick


  1. Create a nuxt plugin for the cliend-side only - ./plugins/instantclick.client.js then activate it in nuxt.config.js file:
// ...

plugins: [
    // ...
  1. Init Nuxt Instantclick, in @/plugins/instantclick.client.js:
import InstantClick from '@kimyvgy/nuxt-instantclick'

export default ({ store, app: { router } }) => {
    const options = {
        //fetch options 
        options: {},
        // delay time before preloading page data
        delayBeforePreload: 0, // 0 ms

        // Time-to-live of preloaded data
        cacheTTL: 5 * 60 * 1000, // 5 min

        isPreloadable: (url) => {
            // please return `true` if the URL is preloadable.
            // nuxt-instantclick will have no action if returning `false`.
            const postPageReg = /\/posts\/.+$/
            return postPageReg.test(url)

        transformURL: (url) => {
            // return URL string that will be used to preload page data.
            const slug = url.match(/([^/-]+)$/)[1]
            return `/api/p/${hashId}`


    // hooked by events
    InstantClick.on('change', async (url, { body, fetchedAt }) => {
        const expired = new Date() - fetchedAt > options.cacheTTL

        if (expired) {

        // Apply data then navigate to page.
        store.dispatch('save_preloaded_data', body)

    InstantClick.on('exit', (url) => {

function removeHostname (url) {
    return url.replace(/^https?:\/\/[^\/]+/, '');
  1. Add logic to prevent fetch new data in asyncData/fetch method if preloaded data is not expired. Example:
async asyncData({ route }) {
    if (process.client && InstantClick.hasValidCache(route.fullPath)) {
        return { data: InstantClick.getData(window.location.fullPath) }
    } else {
        const data = await fetch('/api/...').then(...)
        return { data }


  • preload: start preload URL
  • received: data received
  • change: user clicked on the link, please change page with preloaded data.
  • exit: error when processing click behavior: fetching error / data expired...