The SuperCollider program in this repository was used with the OpenBCI-SuperCollider Interface, together as a Brain-Computer Music Interface (the BCMI-2) to test auditory entrainment with neurofeedback.
The project titled, BCMI-2 aimed to help participants create and maintain an altered state of mind, more specifically the shamanic state of mind.
//TODO test with EEG
//TODO refine this
//TODO record 4 channel audio with 4speaker-test.scd for reference when mixing
//TODO fine tune how ~phaseCalcFuncVal is used for sound spatialisation
//TODO alternative to '4 ndefs.scd' files
//TODO timer that can move between levels
//TODO add timer to timer[0] that counts whole session
//TODO universal sound indicating level numbers/forest depths - instead of English
//TODO group ndefs and find mixing solution
(was used in neurofeedback sessions)
- adjust code between 2-4 channel, and + live input performance
- 30 min prior
- make space on hdd
- switch wifi/dropbox/screensaver off
- prep iPhone (airplane mode, silent, wifi-BLU off, auto lock: never, lock iPhone camera screen)
- session
participant to fill top of questionnaire while putting EEG cap on
start up Screenflow (don't start recording)
all audio to 48k in Audio Midi
start screen-recording [configure] iphone + internal mic, computer audio, screen
with 'openbci_gui_timeseries.scd' reduce impedance, close this file
in 'openbci_gui_fftplot_with_neurofeedback-2ch.scd', reduce 50hz noise
in 'main.scd':
- enter the forest and start recording raw EEG and audio file;
- check that extra is saved in text file if desired
- manually adjust threshold for NFT
- start moving inwards
(more details in 'main.scd' file)
(was used in public presentations e.g.
- adjust code between 2-4 channel, and + live input performance
- 2-4h prior:
- setup gear (time consuming)
- test 4 speakers with sinwaves (performance code is 1243 instead of 1234)
- screensaver off
- bluetooth,dropbox off (wifi on for presentation)
- system pref: ultralight as audio in/out
- audio sampling rate: 48k (set all in/out)
- motu app: 1in + out (with sm57 setting)
- out fresh batteries in OpenBCI and test connection
- adjust all volume (mix) - with someone
- test video recording and calculate light needed
- download youtube video (m test)
- 30min prior:
- put on wet cap and test impedance
- adjust lights in the room
- turn on recording on camera + phone + h1 zoom
- presentation (20 min)
- questions with orientation page
- focus is one soundscape: shamanic journeying
- explain one test with m (youtube video downloaded)
- what is different between the tests and this performance?
- there is not much gaming element to this performance - why?
- 15 vs. 30 minutes
- how to listen? digital shamans (drums annd chakapa), live drumming, other sounds
- how much would you like me to explain about the mapping before the performance, maybe after is better
- listen to the static/monotone elements the digital shaman (drumming from the speakers)
- eyes open/closed
- no intent - no journey :)
- drawing after
- performance (15 min long)
turn wifi off;
- screenrecord (screen and internal mic only)
- with timeseries, check impedance again (adjust EEG if needed)
- read EEG (with fft plot + nf with coherance)
- adjust supercollider audio to -3.1
- Q/A and drawing
- limitless options for mapping eeg to sound - but it needs to be meaningful and in-line with training e.g. even timer variables that could be used for more game like rewards, musical changes
- plotting with audio