Advanced Full-Stack Web Development Nanodegree Program - Building an API with Postgres and Express!
A RESTful JSON Node API backed by PostgreSQL database for a shopping website.
The API offers several endpoints to access and manipulate data in a Postgres database through both CRUD and custom actions.
PostgreSQL is the object-relational database management system.
A detailed list of the endpoints and actions available can be found in the file.
- You can test them alive in the file.
- download REST Client Extention => id:
- Tap on
Send Request
button above every endpoint. - You're Welcome 🤝.
- You can test them alive in the file.
- RESTful API that supports CRUD for all entities in the database.
- Connect to a Postgres database.
- Organized Express routes into handlers.
- Created Express functions for incoming requests.
- Mapped RESTful routes to model methods.
- Added endpoint tests.
- Available to the public using CORS.
- Secure.
- Passwords are stored hashed using the bcrypt package.
- Allow products to be created and stored in a database.
- Allow users to sign up and sign in.
- Allow users to login and register.
- Require users to be signed in to perform certain actions.
- Allow users to create orders and add products to orders.
- Added a cart.
- Every user can only update the data of himself.
- list the most common products/orders and limit the number of responses.
- add a user
- get all the users
- get a specific user with uuid
- update a user
- Add a users 5 most recent purchases to the data being sent back from the user show endpoint (/users/uuid)
- authenticate a user
- delete a user
- add a product
- get all the products
- get a specific product with uuid
- get all products by category
- update a product
- delete a product
- add an order
- get all of the orders
- get a specific order
- update the status of a specific order
- add a product to a specific order
- get all prodcuts of a specific order
- delete a specific order
- get all products that have been included in orders
- get all users that have made orders
- get the # most expensive products
- get the most popular products
- get the current order for a user
- get the completed orders for a user
We are using PostgreSQL as our object-relational database management system to deal with and manipulate databases.
Open the psql command-line tool:-
sudo su - postgres --> Switch to the postgres user
psql postgres --> Start psql
We need to make two databases:-
- store_dev : for development
- store_test : for testing
Run the following Queries:-
CREATE USER user_name WITH PASSWORD 'user_password';
\c store_dev
\c store_test
Create a .env file according to the .env.example file to set up the environment variables.
Create a database.json file like the following :-
"defaultEnv": {"ENV": "NODE_ENV"},
"dev": {
"driver": "pg",
"host": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_HOST"},
"port": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_PORT"},
"database": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_DB"},
"user": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_USER"},
"password": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_PASSWORD"}
"test": {
"driver": "pg",
"host": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_HOST"},
"port": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_PORT"},
"database": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_DB_TEST"},
"user": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_USER"},
"password": {"ENV": "POSTGRES_PASSWORD"}
- Install the project's dependencies
npm i
. - Run the
script : To set up all the needed tables and their relationships - Run the
script : To run the server - Done 👐
They are running on the ports provided by the user in the .env file.
Usually i run them on the following ports:-
- The database is running on the port 5432
- The backend is running on the port 3000
npm i # To install all the dependencies needed for the project.
npm run mig:u # To Call the up migrations.
npm run mig:d # To call the down migrations.
npm run mig:r # To reset all migrations.
npm run build # To compile typescript.
npm run start # To run the server.
npm run dev # To run the server for development.
npm run watch # To run the watcher.
npm run format # To format the code.
npm run lint # To accelerate development and reduce errors.
npm run lint:fix # To fix developers errors.
npm run test # To test the Project.
- PostgreSQL.
- Node.js.
- Express.
- TypeScript.
- Jasmine.
- JavaScript.
- cors
- express.json
- morgan
- helmet
- error.middleware
- authenticateToken
- rateLimit
- verifyAuthToken
- parseJWT
- genereateRandom
- hashPassword
- Prettier : for code formating.
- Eslint : for improving style and structure.
- dotenv : for managing environment variables.
- db-migrate : for migrations.
- pg : for connecting to a database.
- jsonwebtoken : for working with JWTs.
- jasmine : for test driven development.
- morgan : for logging incoming requests to the server.
- helment : for securing the server.
- express : for CORS and route handling.
- express.json : for parsing incoming requests.
- express-rate-limit : for limiting the number of requests to the server.
- bcrypt : for encrypting the passwords .
- jwt : for authorization.
- TypeScript : for reducing type errors.
- Supertest : for testing the api
- node : for coding the logic.
- nodemon : for auto running the server.