Create a new C# NativeAOT project. Reference the Silhouette nuget package and add a class inheriting from Silhouette.CorProfilerCallback11Base
(you can use a different version of CorProfilerCallbackBase
depending on the version of .NET you're targeting). Override the Initialize
method. It will be called with the highest version number of ICorProfilerInfo
supported by the target runtime.
using Silhouette;
internal partial class CorProfiler : CorProfilerCallback11Base
protected override HResult Initialize(int iCorProfilerInfoVersion)
if (iCorProfilerInfoVersion < 11)
return HResult.E_FAIL;
return result;
You also need to expose a DllGetClassObject
method that will be called by the .NET runtime when initializing the profiler. Use the built-in ClassFactory
implementation and give it an instance of your CorProfiler
using Silhouette;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
internal class DllMain
private static ClassFactory Instance;
[UnmanagedCallersOnly(EntryPoint = "DllGetClassObject")]
public static unsafe HResult DllGetClassObject(Guid* rclsid, Guid* riid, nint* ppv)
// Use your own profiler GUID here
if (*rclsid != new Guid("0A96F866-D763-4099-8E4E-ED1801BE9FBC"))
return HResult.E_NOINTERFACE;
Instance = new ClassFactory(new CorProfiler());
*ppv = Instance.IClassFactory;
return 0;
offers base virtual methods for all ICorProfilerCallback
methods, so override the ones you're interested in:
protected override HResult ThreadCreated(ThreadId threadId)
Console.WriteLine($"Thread created: {threadId.Value}");
return HResult.S_OK;
Use the ICorProfilerInfoXx
fields to access the ICorProfilerInfo
private unsafe string ResolveMethodName(nint ip)
var functionId = ICorProfilerInfo11.GetFunctionFromIP(ip).ThrowIfFailed();
var functionInfo = ICorProfilerInfo2.GetFunctionInfo(functionId).ThrowIfFailed();
using var metaDataImport = ICorProfilerInfo2.GetModuleMetaData(functionInfo.ModuleId, CorOpenFlags.ofRead, KnownGuids.IMetaDataImport).ThrowIfFailed().Wrap();
var methodProperties = metaDataImport.Value.GetMethodProps(new MdMethodDef(functionInfo.Token)).ThrowIfFailed();
var typeDefProps = metaDataImport.Value.GetTypeDefProps(methodProperties.Class).ThrowIfFailed();
return $"{typeDefProps.TypeName}.{methodProperties.Name}";
catch (Win32Exception)
return "<unknown>";
Most methods return an instance of HResult<T>
. You can deconstruct it into a (HResult error, T result)
and manually check the error code. You can also use the ThrowIfFailed()
method that will return only the result and throw a Win32Exception
if the error code is not S_OK