Features :
- Manage resident information.
- Request barangay certificate.
The minimum requirement by this project template that your Web server supports
- PHP 5.4.0.
- Mysql Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.6.17
- Create database.
- Update the configuration file located at protected/config/main.php , line 65
- Update the configuration file located at protected/config/console.php , line 15
- Pull dependencies. composer install
- Run migration script. Make sure you are at BarangayInformationSystem/protected/
- php -f yiic.php migrate --migrationPath=application.modules.rights.migrations
- php -f yiic.php migrate --migrationPath=application.modules.user.migrations
- php -f yiic.php migrate
* Increase scope , make it Provincial
* Report charts
- population chart
- voters count