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GeometryCollective committed Apr 11, 2023
1 parent f6ace5f commit 2c5e065
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Showing 29 changed files with 858 additions and 0 deletions.
Binary file added YarnCurve.pdf
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added code/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions code/Makefile
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@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
cc -O3 -ansi -pedantic plain-knit.c -o plain-knit

rm -f plain-knit

248 changes: 248 additions & 0 deletions code/plain-knit.c
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@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>

struct Vector3
double x;
double y;
double z;

double sqr( double x )
return x*x;

double norm2( struct Vector3 v )
return sqr(v.x) + sqr(v.y) + sqr(v.z);

double norm( struct Vector3 v )
return sqrt( norm2( v ));

struct Vector3 scale( double c, struct Vector3 v )
struct Vector3 cv;
cv.x = c * v.x;
cv.y = c * v.y;
cv.z = c * v.z;
return cv;

struct Vector3 cross( struct Vector3 u, struct Vector3 v )
struct Vector3 w;
w.x = u.y*v.z - u.z*v.y;
w.y = u.z*v.x - u.x*v.z;
w.z = u.x*v.y - u.y*v.x;
return w;

struct Vector3 yarnCurve( double t, double a, double h, double d )
struct Vector3 gamma_t;

gamma_t.x = t + a*sin(2.*t);
gamma_t.y = h * cos(t);
gamma_t.z = d * cos(2.*t);

return gamma_t;

void frenetFrame( double t, double a, double h, double d,
struct Vector3* e1, struct Vector3* e2, struct Vector3* e3 )
double u_t, v_t, x_t, y_t;

e1->x = 1. + 2.*a*cos(2.*t);
e1->y = -h*sin(t);
e1->z = -2.*d*sin(2.*t);

u_t = norm2(*e1);
v_t = 2.*h*h*cos(t)*sin(t) + 16.*d*d*cos(2.*t)*sin(2.*t) -
8.*a*(1. + 2.*a*cos(2.*t))*sin(2.*t);
x_t = 1./sqrt(u_t);
y_t = v_t/(2.*pow(u_t,3./2.));

e2->x = y_t*(-1. - 2.*a*cos(2.*t)) - x_t*4.*a*sin(2.*t);
e2->y = y_t*h*sin(t) - x_t*h*cos(t);
e2->z = y_t*2.*d*sin(2.*t) - x_t*4.*d*cos(2.*t);

*e1 = scale( x_t, *e1 );
*e2 = scale( 1./norm(*e2), *e2 );
*e3 = cross( *e1, *e2 );

struct Vector3 fiberCurve( double t, double a, double h, double d,
double r, double omega, double phi )
struct Vector3 gamma_t;
struct Vector3 eta_t;
struct Vector3 e1, e2, e3;
double theta_t;

gamma_t = yarnCurve( t, a, h, d );
frenetFrame( t, a, h, d, &e1, &e2, &e3 );
theta_t = t*omega - 2.*cos(t) + phi;

eta_t.x = gamma_t.x + r*( cos(theta_t)*e2.x + sin(theta_t)*e3.x );
eta_t.y = gamma_t.y + r*( cos(theta_t)*e2.y + sin(theta_t)*e3.y );
eta_t.z = gamma_t.z + r*( cos(theta_t)*e2.z + sin(theta_t)*e3.z );

return eta_t;

void writeYarnCurves(
const char* filename, /* output filename */
int nRows, /* number of rows in wale direction */
double rowOffset, /* row spacing in wale direction */
int nLoops, /* number of loops in course direction */
int samplesPerLoop, /* sample points for each loop */
double a, /* loop roundness */
double h, /* loop height */
double d ) /* loop depth */
double t;
int row, loop, sample;
int nPoints;
double dt, y0, t0;
struct Vector3 gamma_t;
FILE* out;

out = fopen( filename, "w" );

nPoints = 0;
dt = (2.*M_PI)/(double)samplesPerLoop;

/* write vertices */
for( row = 0; row < nRows; row++ )
y0 = rowOffset * (double)row;

for( loop = 0; loop < nLoops; loop++ )
t0 = 2.*M_PI * loop;
for( sample = 0; sample < samplesPerLoop; sample++ )
t = t0 + dt*(double)sample;

gamma_t = yarnCurve( t, a, h, d );

fprintf( out, "v %e %e %e\n",
gamma_t.y + y0,
gamma_t.z );

/* write polylines */
for( row = 0; row < nRows; row++ )
fprintf( out, "l" );
for( loop = 0; loop < nLoops; loop++ )
for( sample = 0; sample < samplesPerLoop; sample++ )
fprintf( out, " %d", nPoints+1 );
fprintf( out, "\n" );
fclose( out );

void writeFiberCurves(
const char* filename, /* output filename */
int nRows, /* number of rows in wale direction */
double rowOffset, /* row spacing in wale direction */
int nLoops, /* number of loops in course direction */
int samplesPerLoop, /* sample points for each loop */
double a, /* loop roundness */
double h, /* loop height */
double d, /* loop depth */
double r, /* yarn radius */
double omega, /* amount of fiber twist */
int nFibers ) /* number of fibers around yarn */
int row, fiber, loop, sample;
int nPoints;
double y0, t0;
double dt, dphi;
struct Vector3 eta_t;
FILE* out;

out = fopen( filename, "w" );

nPoints = 0;
dt = (2.*M_PI)/(double)samplesPerLoop;
dphi = (2.*M_PI)/(double)nFibers;

/* write vertices */
for( row = 0; row < nRows; row++ )
y0 = rowOffset * (double)row;

for( fiber = 0; fiber < nFibers; fiber++ )
double phi = dphi * (double)fiber;

for( loop = 0; loop < nLoops; loop++ )
t0 = 2.*M_PI * loop;
for( sample = 0; sample < samplesPerLoop; sample++ )
double t = t0 + dt*(double)sample;
eta_t = fiberCurve( t, a, h, d, r, omega, phi );
fprintf( out, "v %e %e %e\n", eta_t.x, y0 + eta_t.y, eta_t.z );

/* write polylines */
for( row = 0; row < nRows; row++ )
y0 = rowOffset * (double)row;

for( fiber = 0; fiber < nFibers; fiber++ )
fprintf( out, "l" );
for( loop = 0; loop < nLoops; loop++ )
for( sample = 0; sample < samplesPerLoop; sample++ )
fprintf( out, " %d", nPoints+1 );
fprintf( out, "\n" );

int main( int argc, char** argv )
const int nRows = 16; /* number of rows generated */
const int nLoops = 12; /* number of loops in each row */
const int samplesPerLoop = 64; /* points sampled per period */
const int nFibers = 4; /* number of twisted fibers */
const double a = 3/2.; /* loop roundness */
const double d = 1.; /* loop depth */
const double h = 4.; /* loop height */
const double w = h + 1./2.; /* row spacing */
const double r = 1./2.; /* yarn radius */
const double omega = 5.; /* fiber twist */
const double phi = M_PI/2.; /* fiber offset */

writeYarnCurves( "yarn.obj", nRows, w, nLoops, samplesPerLoop, a, h, d );
writeFiberCurves( "fibers.obj", nRows, w, nLoops, samplesPerLoop, a, h, d,
r, omega, nFibers );

return 0;

Binary file added displacement-maps/YarnTile-1528x1094-alpha.exr
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added displacement-maps/YarnTile-1528x1094-alpha.hdr
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added note/.DS_Store
Binary file not shown.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions note/Makefile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
FILE = YarnCurve

pdflatex -shell-escape $(FILE)
bibtex $(FILE)
pdflatex -shell-escape $(FILE)

rm -f YarnCurve.aux
rm -f YarnCurve.bbl
rm -f YarnCurve.blg
rm -f YarnCurve.log
rm -f YarnCurve.pdf
rm -rf _minted-YarnCurve
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions note/YarnCurve.bib
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@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
title={Stitch meshes for modeling knitted clothing with yarn-level detail},
author={Yuksel, Cem and Kaldor, Jonathan M and James, Doug L and Marschner, Steve},
journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}

title={Efficient yarn-based cloth with adaptive contact linearization},
author={Kaldor, Jonathan M and James, Doug L and Marschner, Steve},
booktitle={ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papers},

title={Geometric modeling of knitted fabrics using helicoid scaffolds},
author={Wadekar, Paras and Goel, Prateek and Amanatides, Chelsea and Dion, Genevieve and Kamien, Randall D and Breen, David E},
journal={Journal of Engineered Fibers and Fabrics},
publisher={SAGE Publications Sage UK: London, England}

title={Global curvature, thickness, and the ideal shapes of knots},
author={Gonzalez, Oscar and Maddocks, John H},
journal={Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences},
publisher={National Acad Sciences}

title={A fast octree-based algorithm for computing ropelength},
author={Ashton, Ted and Cantarella, Jason},
booktitle={Physical And Numerical Models In Knot Theory: Including Applications to the Life Sciences},
publisher={World Scientific}

title={The geometry of a plain knitted loop},
author={Leaf, GAV and Glaskin, A},
journal={Journal of the Textile Institute Transactions},
publisher={Taylor \& Francis}

title={The geometry and dimensional properties of plain-knit fabrics},
author={Munden, DL},
journal={Journal of the Textile Institute Transactions},
publisher={Taylor \& Francis}

title={Geometrical principles applicable to the design of functional fabrics},
author={Peirce, Frederick Thomas},
journal={Textile Research Journal},
publisher={Sage Publications Sage CA: Thousand Oaks, CA}

title={Hosiery Yarns and Fabrics},
author={J. Chamberlain},
publisher={J. W. Hemming \& Capey, Leicester}

title={Fitting procedural yarn models for realistic cloth rendering},
author={Zhao, Shuang and Luan, Fujun and Bala, Kavita},
journal={ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG)},
publisher={ACM New York, NY, USA}

title={A radiative transfer framework for rendering materials with anisotropic structure},
author={Jakob, Wenzel and Arbree, Adam and Moon, Jonathan T and Bala, Kavita and Marschner, Steve},
booktitle={ACM SIGGRAPH 2010 papers},

title={Photorealistic rendering of knitwear using the lumislice},
author={Xu, Ying-Qing and Chen, Yanyun and Lin, Stephen and Zhong, Hua and Wu, Enhua and Guo, Baining and Shum, Heung-Yeung},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 28th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques},


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