This tutorial is for linux (debian based) only
If you are a windows user then check this out Setup VS Code for windows
This is a .json file which will help you to run your cpp file with one click or shortcut.
In this case , you don't need to write input in the command line or write fopen / close stuffs , programme will take input from a file (input.txt) automatically and give the output in another file (output.txt) .
You can also find the programme runtime status which will help you to calculate execution time as well as memory usage and many more !
pre-requirments :
- Visual Studio Code
- gcc/g++
- time
- install time :
sudo apt install time
- install time :
Note : You just need to do these things only for the first time of your workspace!
Split screen in 3 sections
- split the main section in right (right mouse click on the .cpp file and u will get the split options)
- then split the right into down (same as above)
- create a file named
and save it in the same folder - create a file named
and save it in the same folder - open input.txt into the upper right section
- open output.txt into the lower right section
Go to Configure Default Build Task...
In Menu bar
- Clik on Terminal (At the left top bar )
- select configure task
- select create task.json from template (this will create a task.json file in .vscode in your working directory)
- select other and new task.json file will be created
- now copy and paste the
{ link is here } file into yourtask.json
file - done
- Clik on Terminal (At the left top bar )
- Run :
- Shortcut type :
- Shortcut type :
- You need to give the input in the input.txt file
- output will be shown in the output.txt file
Note : Make sure your mouse cursor is clicked or focused on the cpp file editor while you are running your code.
- Bonus : programme status will be shown in the sys.txt file
- People concern about more details such as binary form and disassemble code can check
file Link
task.json files for :
Python :
Java :
Dart :
Go :
Here i have merged all the files which includes tasks.json file for Python, C, C++, Java and Dart for both Windows and Linux ! Here is the Link
This one is made for my personal usage ,you can add functions as you wish and edit my name and doc
- Select User Snippets under File (at Left top bar) > Preferences (Code > Preferences on macOS), and then select cpp.json
- copy or replace the cpp.json file {Link} and save !
- Creating a cpp file if you type inc and press Tab in your keyboard the snippet will load as i have set prefix as inc in my json file . (You can edit as your own !)
- This will make programming easy and fast .