A python script that grabs your XBL status for Halo MCC and shows it as a Discord rich presence status.
Running the Presence:
Run Step 1:
Login and agree to the app getting your data:
Enter the link in the prompt (The links expire quickly):
Launch the Rich Presence and enjoy:
- pypresence
- xboxlive-api
- A client ID for an application created in the Discord developer portal
- Sample images for 'cover' and 'win10' as shown above are provided for creating your own application.
- pyinstaller for building the executable.
- nodejs
- python
- Add better checks for if the user is playing on either Xbox or PC.
- Clean up code.
- Add session timer tracking, i.e. How long a multiplayer session has run for
- Reduce debugging output.
- Possibly perform better detection for Halo MCC on PC by checking for processes(?)
pypresence - Written by: qwertyquerty and LewdNeko Notable Contributors: GiovanniMCMXCIX, GhostofGoes
XboxReplay - Written by: Alexis ize
Gurrman375 - Major contributor to the repo. Most of the commits come from them.