wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/karlwalsh/env/master/bootstrap.sh | sh
This script does the following
- Install dependencies (git and ansible)
- Checks out the git project under
(skips if already checked out) - Moves into the project directory
- Installs ansible requirements through
- executes the ansible playbook
You will be asked for your password when it performs a sudo apt update
and once again when ansible asks for the become password.
Update global git config - this will replace the existing global ~/.gitconfig
and ~/.gitignore
cd ~/.env
make configure-git GIT_USERNAME="Groovy Gorilla" [email protected]
Update an existing swapfile at /swapfile
. The variable SWAP_SIZE
is in gigabytes.
cd ~/.env
make configure-swap SWAP_SIZE=2
- Use notifiers to handle service restarts
- Enable wayland
- zsh & oh-my-zsh for root
- Install virtualbox
- Better handling of dotfiles
- chezmoi - https://github.com/twpayne/chezmoi
- dotdrop - https://github.com/deadc0de6/dotdrop
- dotbare - https://github.com/kazhala/dotbare
- Use ansible to handle symlinks? - should make it easier to manage
Use a variable for the src and dest root path
- name: Symlink .tmux.conf file: src: "~/.env/ansible/roles/tmux/files/tmux.conf" dest: "~/.tmux.conf" state: link
- Take inspiration from
- Desktop wallpapers