[bug ] Combine notes and note property change handler. #1058
[code quality ] Should wrap change in importLyric method in KaraokeEditor #1054
[bug ] Should wrap change handler in note popover. #1053
[bug ][editor ] Fix something might broken in translate editor. #1049
[code quality ][editor ] Should use change handler in singer list page if assign or un-assign singer to lyric. #1038
[code quality ] make some improvement about lyric editor. #960
[enhancement ][editor ] Implement input feature in lyric edit mode. #958
[code quality ][skin ] Refactor layout structor in karaoke skin. #901
[code quality ] Change ruby/romaji from bindable to bindable list in lyric object. #891
[bug ][editor ][Design ] Should deal with the case if singer name is tooooooo long. #773
[bug ][Playfield ] Fix lyric font broken if playback. #772
[enhancement ] should have config button in auto-generate area. #759
[enhancement ][LyricMaker ] improve lyric importor #731
[enhancement ][LyricMaker ] Create generate manager. #730
[bug ] Implement typing feature in lyric editor. #668
[bug ] Fix typing caret position is weird #664
[mod ] Add new mode to learn javascript by singing karaoke #523
[bug ][framework layer ] Fix non-english text input #504
[enhancement ][generator ] Implement note auto-generator #501
[enhancement ][LyricMaker ] Should add textbox to handle input in text edit mode. #487
[bug ][enhancement ] Get config directly in lyric editor #476
[Design ] Make shadow offset smaller in lyric editor. #351
[editor ] Implement singer editor #214
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