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TEDxSNIOE Website 2024

Next.JS Project Setup

This document provides guidelines on setting up a Next project and following naming conventions for branches and commit messages.


  1. Clone the project repository using Git:
git clone <repository_url>
  1. Navigate to the project directory:
cd <project_directory>
  1. Install the required packages:
npm install
  1. Run the Next Project:
npm run dev

Branch Naming Convention

When creating a new branch for a feature, bug fix, or any other development task, follow this naming convention:

  • <type>: The type of the task (e.g., feature, bug, hotfix, refactor, etc.).
  • <short_description>: A brief description of the task, using hyphens (-) to separate words.


  • feature/user-login
  • bug/homepage-crash
  • refactor/database-utils

Commit Message Format

For commit messages, follow this format:

<type>: <subject>
  • <type>: The type of the commit (e.g., feat, fix, docs, refactor, chore, etc.).
  • <subject>: A brief description of the change in the commit.


  • feat: Add user authentication
  • fix: Fix null pointer exception in homepage
  • docs: Update README with project setup instructions

Naming Conventions Followed

  • Use camelCase for variable and function names (e.g., userName, fetchData()).
  • Use PascalCase for class and enum names (e.g., UserModel, UserRole).
  • Use snake_case for file names (e.g., home.js, speakers.js).