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See time_FHCC.xlsx entry for 2023-0609; also, in solving the naming p…
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…roblem mentioned there, went back and ran older code; made minor updates to that code (which is being pushed now)
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Kris Alavattam committed Jun 10, 2023
1 parent 1a443c0 commit 1e6a6cb
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Showing 9 changed files with 792 additions and 914 deletions.

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208 changes: 144 additions & 64 deletions results/2023-0215/rough-draft_evaluate-categories_expression.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,12 +5,12 @@

# Get situated ===============================================================

options(scipen = 999)
options(ggrepel.max.overlaps = Inf)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -49,6 +49,11 @@ filter_process_counts_matrix <- function(
# :param counts_matrix: counts matrix from htseq-count
# :param named_character_vector: ...
# :return df: counts matrix as tibble

# Test
# counts_matrix <- t_cm
# named_character_vector <- col_cor

df <- dplyr::bind_cols(
counts_matrix[, 1],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -94,26 +99,33 @@ derive_summary_metrics <- function(uni_multi, summary, counts) {

# Step 4: Subtract `Mito-KL-20S_multi` from `__alignment_not_unique`
# Step 4:
#+ - Isolate and define `__alignment_not_unique`
#+ - Define and calculate `__alignment_not_unique_I-XVI` by subtracting
#+ `Mito-KL-20S_multi` from `__alignment_not_unique`
`__alignment_not_unique` <- summary[
stringr::str_detect(summary[["gene_id"]], "__alignment_not_unique"),
] %>%
`__alignment_not_unique_I-XVI` <-
`__alignment_not_unique` - `Mito-KL-20S_multi`
`__alignment_not_unique_I-XVI` <- tibble::as_tibble(
`__alignment_not_unique_I-XVI` <- `__alignment_not_unique_I-XVI` %>%

# Step 5: Subtract `Mito-KL-20S_uni` from "`__no_feature`"
# Step 5:
#+ - Isolate and define `__no_feature`
#+ - Define and calculate `__no_feature_I-XVI` by subtracting
#+ `Mito-KL-20S_uni` from "`__no_feature`"
`__no_feature` <- summary[
stringr::str_detect(summary[["gene_id"]], "__no_feature"),
`__no_feature_I-XVI` <- `__no_feature` - `Mito-KL-20S_uni`
`__no_feature_I-XVI` <- `__no_feature_I-XVI` %>% tibble::as_tibble()

# Step 6: Take the sum of the following

# Step 6: Define `__sum_I-XVI` by summing the following:
#+ - "`__no_feature_I-XVI`"
#+ - "`__ambiguous`"
#+ - "`__alignment_not_unique_I-XVI`"
Expand All @@ -130,16 +142,18 @@ derive_summary_metrics <- function(uni_multi, summary, counts) {
`__ambiguous` +
`__alignment_not_unique_I-XVI` +
`__sum_I-XVI` <- `__sum_I-XVI` %>% tibble::as_tibble()

# Step 7: Get numbers of all counts associated with "SC-I-XVI"
# Step 7: Tally all counts associated with "SC-I-XVI" (`SC-I-XVI_all`)
`SC-I-XVI_all` <-
stringr::str_detect(uni_multi[["sample"]], "SC-I-XVI_all"),
`SC-I-XVI_all` <- `SC-I-XVI_all` %>% tibble::as_tibble()

# Step 8: Check that `__sum_I-XVI` and `SC-I-XVI_all` are equal
#+ If not, then there is a problem and troubleshooting needs to occur
# Step 8: Check that `__sum_I-XVI` and `SC-I-XVI_all` are equal; if not,
#+ then there is a problem and troubleshooting needs to occur
as.numeric(`__sum_I-XVI`[, 2:ncol(`__sum_I-XVI`)]),
as.numeric(`SC-I-XVI_all`[, 2:ncol(`SC-I-XVI_all`)])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,10 +244,12 @@ theme_slick_no_legend <- theme_slick + theme(legend.position = "none")
# Load gtf file of interest ---------------------------------------------------
# ...which consists of collapsed/merged pa-ncRNAs and "processed" features
p_gtf <- "outfiles_gtf-gff3/representation"

# f_gtf <- "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-coding-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.gtf"
# f_gtf <- "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-coding-non-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.gtf"
# f_gtf <- "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-coding-ncRNA-transcriptome.gtf"
f_gtf <- "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf"
f_gtf <- "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf" #TODO #IMPORTANT
# f_gtf <- "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf" #TODO #TOCOMPLETE

# dir.exists(p_gtf)
# file.exists(paste(p_gtf, f_gtf, sep = "/"))
Expand All @@ -242,8 +258,13 @@ t_gtf <- paste(p_gtf, f_gtf, sep = "/") %>%
rtracklayer::import() %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::arrange(seqnames, start) %>%
dplyr::select(-c(width, score, phase)) %>%
dplyr::rename(category = type.1)
dplyr::select(-c(width, score, phase))
f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf"
)) {
t_gtf <- t_gtf %>% dplyr::rename(category = type.1)

t_gtf[t_gtf == "NA"] <- NA_character_
# t_gtf

Expand All @@ -254,16 +275,31 @@ rm(p_gtf)
# Load counts matrix file of interest -----------------------------------------
# ...which consists of collapsed/merged pa-ncRNAs and "processed" features
p_cm <- "outfiles_htseq-count/representation/UT_prim_UMI"
# f_cm <- "representative-coding-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.union-none.tsv"
# f_cm <- "representative-coding-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.union-fraction.tsv"
# f_cm <- "representative-coding-non-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.union-fraction.tsv"
# f_cm <- "representative-coding-ncRNA-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.union-none.tsv"
f_cm <- "non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.tsv"

if(f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-coding-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.gtf") {
f_cm <- "representative-coding-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.union-none.tsv"
# f_cm <- "representative-coding-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.union-fraction.tsv"
} else if(f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-coding-non-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.gtf") {
f_cm <- "representative-coding-non-pa-ncRNA-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.union-fraction.tsv"
} else if(f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-coding-ncRNA-transcriptome.gtf") {
f_cm <- "representative-coding-ncRNA-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.union-none.tsv"
} else if(f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf") { #TODO #IMPORTANT
f_cm <- "non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.tsv" #TODO #IMPORTANT
} else if(f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf") {
f_cm <- "representative-non-coding-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.tsv"

# dir.exists(p_cm)
# file.exists(paste(p_cm, f_cm, sep = "/"))

t_cm <- read_in_counts_matrix(paste(p_cm, f_cm, sep = "/"))
if(base::isFALSE(nrow(unique(t_cm[1])) == nrow(t_cm))) {
"There are non-unique elements in the \"gene_id\" column (i.e., the",
"feature name vector). This will result in complications when running",
"subsequent code/analyses. Stopping the script."

rm(p_cm, f_cm)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -406,7 +442,7 @@ col_cor <- setNames( #DEKHO

# t_cm.bak <- t_cm
t_cm.bak <- t_cm
# t_cm <- t_cm.bak
t_cm <- filter_process_counts_matrix(t_cm, col_cor)

Expand All @@ -419,7 +455,7 @@ underscore <- t_cm[stringr::str_detect(t_cm$gene_id, "^__[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$"), ]

# Exclude htseq-count summary metrics from t_cm ------------------------------
t_cm <- t_cm[!stringr::str_detect(t_cm$gene_id, "^__[a-zA-Z0-9_]*$"), ]

t_cm %>% tail(10)

# Read in, process metrics from -------
p_uni_multi_etc <- "outfiles_htseq-count"
Expand All @@ -434,7 +470,7 @@ rm(f_uni_multi_etc, p_uni_multi_etc)

# Clean up the tibble of uni_multi_etc counts --------------------------------
# Clean up, correct, and abbreviate sample names
# uni_multi_etc.bak <- uni_multi_etc
uni_multi_etc.bak <- uni_multi_etc
# uni_multi_etc <- uni_multi_etc.bak
uni_multi_etc$sample[match(col_cor, uni_multi_etc$sample)] <- names(col_cor)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -462,7 +498,23 @@ rm(summaries)

# Associate the counts-matrix features with appropriate gtf metadata ---------
t_full <- dplyr::full_join(t_gtf[, c(1:4, 7, 9, 10)], t_cm, by = "gene_id")
if(base::isFALSE(f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf")) {
t_full <- dplyr::full_join(
t_gtf[, c(1:4, 7, 9, 10)],
by = "gene_id"
) #DONE Adapt this to work with "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf", "non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.tsv"
} else {
t_full <- dplyr::full_join(
t_gtf[, c(1:4, 14, 9, 7)] %>%
"original" = "gene_id",
"gene_id" = "complete"
by = "gene_id"

# Row-bind tibbles t_full and summary_relevant -------------------------------
Expand All @@ -476,8 +528,9 @@ t_full <- dplyr::bind_rows(t_full, summary_relevant)

# Check: Do sample-wise tallies equal __valid_counts? ------------------------
run <- FALSE
run <- TRUE
if(base::isTRUE(run)) {
# test_0 <- t_full[-c((nrow(t_full) - 3):nrow(t_full)), -c(1:7)]
test_1 <-
t_full[-c((nrow(t_full) - 3):nrow(t_full)), -c(1:7)], sum
Expand All @@ -500,20 +553,24 @@ if(base::isTRUE(run)) {

# Plot category proportions for the Ovation samples ==========================
# Isolate categories and relevant samples, then process them -----------------
tmp <- t_full[-nrow(t_full), -c(1:5, 7)]
tmp <- t_full[-nrow(t_full), -c(1:5, 7)] #TODO May need to be adapted for "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf", "non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.hc-strd-eq.tsv"
t_rel <- dplyr::bind_cols(
tmp[, 1],
tmp[, stringr::str_detect(colnames(tmp), "ovn")]
tmp[, stringr::str_detect(colnames(tmp), "ovn")] #TODO Will need to adapt this for different samples, e.g., n3d and od


t_rel[(nrow(t_rel) - 2), 1] <- "multimapper"
t_rel[(nrow(t_rel) - 1), 1] <- "no feature"
t_rel[nrow(t_rel), 1] <- "ambiguous"
if(base::isTRUE(colnames(t_rel)[1] != "category")) {
colnames(t_rel)[1] <- "category"
# tail(t_rel)
# head(t_rel)

# Rename category "PG" to "pseudogene"
# Rename category "PG" to "pseudogene" (if applicable)
t_rel$category[stringr::str_detect(t_rel$category, "PG")] <- "pseudogene"

# Exclude "not unique" alignments from plots
Expand All @@ -524,6 +581,7 @@ colnames(t_rel) <- colnames(t_rel) %>%
stringr::str_remove("ovn") %>%

t_rel_summarize <- t_rel %>%
dplyr::group_by(category) %>%
Expand All @@ -549,10 +607,12 @@ t_rel_summarize <- t_rel_summarize %>%
category, "^pseudogene"

# For "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf" counts,
#+ place "no feature" first
# For "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf" and
#+ "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf" counts, place
#+ "no feature" first
f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf"
f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_non-collapsed-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf" |
f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf"
)) {
t_rel_summarize <- t_rel_summarize %>%
dplyr::arrange(category != "no feature")
Expand All @@ -561,7 +621,7 @@ if(base::isTRUE(

# Assign NA to "number of features" for the summary-value categories
t_rel_summarize$number_of_features <- ifelse(
t_rel_summarize$number_of_features == 1,
t_rel_summarize$category %in% c("no feature", "ambiguous"),
Expand All @@ -584,34 +644,34 @@ colnames(t_rel_summarize) <- colnames(t_rel_summarize) %>%
# t_rel_summarize.bak <- t_rel_summarize
t_rel_summarize$category <- t_rel_summarize$category %>% as_factor()

t_rel_summarize %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(
G1_N_rep1, G1_N_rep2, G1_SS_rep1, G1_SS_rep2,
Q_N_rep1, Q_N_rep2, Q_SS_rep1, Q_SS_rep2
)) %>%
dplyr::rename(samples = name, counts = value) %>%
ggplot(aes(fill = category, y = counts, x = samples)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
values = length(t_rel_summarize$category) %>%
) +
theme_slick +
scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(angle = 45))

t_rel_summarize %>%
tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(
G1_N_rep1, G1_N_rep2, G1_SS_rep1, G1_SS_rep2,
Q_N_rep1, Q_N_rep2, Q_SS_rep1, Q_SS_rep2
)) %>%
dplyr::rename(samples = name, counts = value) %>%
ggplot(aes(fill = category, y = counts, x = samples)) +
geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
theme_slick +
scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(angle = 45))

# t_rel_summarize %>%
# tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(
# G1_N_rep1, G1_N_rep2, G1_SS_rep1, G1_SS_rep2,
# Q_N_rep1, Q_N_rep2, Q_SS_rep1, Q_SS_rep2
# )) %>%
# dplyr::rename(samples = name, counts = value) %>%
# ggplot(aes(fill = category, y = counts, x = samples)) +
# geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
# scale_fill_manual(
# values = length(t_rel_summarize$category) %>%
# viridisLite::viridis()
# ) +
# theme_slick +
# # theme_slick_no_legend +
# scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(angle = 45))
# t_rel_summarize %>%
# tidyr::pivot_longer(cols = c(
# G1_N_rep1, G1_N_rep2, G1_SS_rep1, G1_SS_rep2,
# Q_N_rep1, Q_N_rep2, Q_SS_rep1, Q_SS_rep2
# )) %>%
# dplyr::rename(samples = name, counts = value) %>%
# ggplot(aes(fill = category, y = counts, x = samples)) +
# geom_bar(position = "fill", stat = "identity") +
# theme_slick +
# # theme_slick_no_legend +
# scale_x_discrete(guide = guide_axis(angle = 45))

pivot_on_columns <- function(
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -798,5 +858,25 @@ col_piv <- c(
# Checks
# `prop-plot_w-error_full`
# `prop-plot_w-error_zoom`
`prop-plot_no-error_full` # + theme_slick_no_legend
`prop-plot_no-error_zoom` # + theme_slick_no_legend

#TODO Get these plots into a format that's good for AG's work with Affinity

# # Write out t_rel_summarize, prop_summarize as tsvs
# readr::write_tsv(
# t_rel_summarize,
# file = "t_rel_summarize.tsv"
# )
# readr::write_tsv(
# prop_summarize,
# file = "prop_summarize.tsv"
# )

# # For when f_gtf == "Greenlaw-et-al_representative-non-coding-transcriptome.gtf"
# test <- t_gtf %>%
# dplyr::group_by(details_type_alpha) %>%
# dplyr::summarize(n = dplyr::n())

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