A simple university website where user can login and inquire about various things from the admin. On first login he/she needs to fill up his/her details whereas further editing would be done by admin for which users can leave a message. Admins can edit user information and also create new users and admins
Fork and clone the repository and start the server using
node server.js
What things you need to install the software and how to install them
express, express-session, hbs, mongodb, passport, passport-local, socket.io, sequelize, sqlite
npm init
npm i 'express'
npm i 'express-session'
npm i 'hbs'
npm i 'mongodb'
npm i 'passport'
npm i 'passport-local'
npm i 'socket.io'
npm i 'sequelize'
npm i 'sqlite'
- nodejs
- javascript
- jQuery
- css
- bootstrap
- html
- Rajat Cambo - kaioshin20