Title | Collaborators | Venue | Year |
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Creating Custom Layers and Layer Views (slidedeck) | Esri Services Enablement Workshop | 2021 | |
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Creating Custom Layers and Layer Views (video) | Sean Stone (@sean-stone) |
Esri International Developer Summit | 2021 |
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Building Web Apps with Open Source Mapping APIs (slidedeck) (video) | Patrick Arlt (@patrickarlt) Gavin Rehkemper (@gavinr) |
Esri International Developer Summit | 2021 |
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Working with Location Services with ArcGIS REST JS (slidedeck) (video) | A. Davis (@araedavis) Noah Mulfinger (@noahmulfinger) Gavin Rehkemper (@gavinr) |
Esri International Developer Summit | 2021 |
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Creating Custom Layers and Layer Views (slidedeck) | (various) | 2020 | |
Developer Primer: Svelte (slidedeck) (video) | Gavin Rehkemper (@gavinr) |
Esri International Developer Summit | 2020 |
Guest Lecture: Web Mapping Development Intro (lecture materials) | Programming for Remote Sensing and GIS, St. Louis University, Greg Brunner (@gbrunner) |
2019 | |
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Creating Custom Layers and Layer Views (slidedeck) (video) | Esri International Developer Summit | 2019 | |
Guest Lecture: Plotting with JavaScript (lecture materials) | Advanced Python for GIS and Remote Sensing, St. Louis University, Greg Brunner (@gbrunner) |
2018 | |
Guest Lecture: Web Mapping Development Intro (lecture materials) | Python for GIS and Remote Sensing, St. Louis University, Greg Brunner (@gbrunner) |
2018 | |
ArcGIS API for JavaScript: Creating Custom Layers and Layer Views (pdf) | Yann Cabon (@ycabon) Thomas Other (@thother) |
Esri International Developer Summit | 2018 |
Angular and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript (slidedeck) (repo with training materials) | Andy Gup (@andygup) Sean Olson (@sean-olson-e) |
Esri International Developer Summit | 2018 |
Flow Mapping with JavaScript (video) | Sarah Bell (@sarahbellum) |
NACIS Annual Meeting | 2017 |
Guest Lecture: Web Mapping Development Intro (lecture materials) | Python for GIS and Remote Sensing, St. Louis University, Greg Brunner (@gbrunner) |
2017 | |
Angular and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript (slidedeck) | Andy Gup (@andygup) |
Esri International Developer Summit | 2017 |
Declarative Mapping Applications with AngularJS and the ArcGIS API for JavaScript (pdf here) (pdf also here) | Tom Wayson (@tomwayson) |
Esri International Developer Summit | 2016 |
ArcGIS API for JavaScript and AngularJS: What's New, What's Next (slidedeck) (video) | Tom Wayson (@tomwayson) |
Esri International Developer Summit | 2016 |
Petrichor Studio https://petrichor.studio/
KANTAR Information is Beautiful Awards 2019, GOLD winner in "Maps, Places & Spaces" category for "Earth at Night, Mountains of Light" https://www.informationisbeautifulawards.com/news/497-the-winners-maps-places-spaces
John Metcalfe, The Washington Post, "If night lights were mountains: Cartographer invents whole new way to look at Earth" https://www.washingtonpost.com/weather/2019/03/06/if-night-lights-were-mountains-cartographer-invents-whole-new-way-look-earth/
Matt Largey, KUT 90.5 Austin's NPR Station, "Shining Cities On The Hills: Check Out This Map Of Texas Cities Showing Their Brightness In Peaks" https://www.kut.org/post/shining-cities-hills-check-out-map-texas-cities-showing-their-brightness-peaks
Mark Harrower, "To 3D or not to 3D?" https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/85df1e904cbb49c8ad169be4bc927016
Laurie Stevens, Esri UK & Ireland, "Eleven ways to map a General Election" https://resource.esriuk.com/blogs/eleven-ways-to-map-a-general-election/
Julia Lenhardt, ArcGIS Blog, "A Treasure Trove of Python Raster Functions" https://www.esri.com/arcgis-blog/products/arcgis-pro/imagery/python-raster-functions-github/
Kenneth Field, "Favourite maps from 2018" https://cartonerd.blogspot.com/2018/12/favourite-maps-from-2018.html
KANTAR Information is Beautiful Awards 2018, Longlisted for "What's Your Vote Worth?" https://www.informationisbeautifulawards.com/showcase/2808-what-s-your-vote-worth
"The CodePen Spark: Melody, Maps, and Mood" https://codepen.io/spark/87
Nathan Yau, FlowingData, "Night lights mapped as terrain" https://flowingdata.com/2018/09/10/night-lights-mapped-as-terrain/
Nathan Yau, FlowingData "Aviation tracker with depth" https://flowingdata.com/2017/09/15/aviation-tracker-with-depth/
Jim Vallandingham, "Multivariate Map Collection" https://vallandingham.me/multivariate_maps.html
Maps Mania, "Earth's Light Mountains" http://googlemapsmania.blogspot.com/2019/02/earths-light-mountains.html
Maps Mania, "Animated Flow Mapping" https://googlemapsmania.blogspot.com/2017/03/animated-flow-mapping.html
Maps Mania, "The Leaflet Flowmap Layer" https://googlemapsmania.blogspot.com/2017/04/the-leaflet-flowmap-layer.html
Wesley Jones, Esri Maps We Love, "USA Population Change" https://www.esri.com/en-us/maps-we-love/gallery/usa-population-change
The Lane Report, "Louisville mapping system offers information on metro properties" https://www.lanereport.com/37491/2014/08/louisville-mapping-system-offers-information-on-metro-properties/