C++ programm to generate a html page for functions documentation.
The table of contents is automatically generated.
Let's consider the file code.py
##@I introduction paragraph
##@I introduction paragraph2
##@I introduction paragraph3
##@I introduction paragraph4
##@T Add
##@U Description paragraph1
##@D Description paragraph2
##@A x : first number to add
##@A y : second number to add
##@E add(3, 4)
##@E 7
add(a, b):
return a + b
As you see, you must begin documentation with 2 comments characters. If it was with a c++
or javascript
file, because comments are //
(2 characters natively), the following will work.
//@I introduction paragraph
//@I introduction paragraph2
//@I introduction paragraph3
//@I introduction paragraph4
//@L1 Functions
//@T Add
//@U Description paragraph1
//@D Description paragraph2
//@A x : first int number to add
//@A y : second iint number to add
//@E add(3, 4)
//@E 7
int add(int &a, int &b):
return a + b;
T stands for Title
U stands for usage (shows function and its parameters)
D stands for description (output paragraph of description)
A stands for arguments (output table of args | definition)
E stands for example (output code example within <ode tag)
X must be put at the end of usage, arguments and examples block
LNumber stands for Line (output hNumber tag line) Number stands for the depth level in the table of contents
JNumber stands for Jump (switch to hNumber tag) Number stands for the depth level in the table of contents
I stands for INTRODUCTION paragraphs
M stands for iMage (put image file into documentation)
V stands for Video (put vido file into documentation)
O is for putting an audio file into documentation
F stands for Folder (where all the medias come from)
GNumber is for putting a h tag (won't be taken in count by the table of contents unlike LNumber)
//@D <br>
This repo provides a test file test_doc.cpp
where you can find an example of how documentation is made inside a code file.
The html associated with test_doc.cpp
is available here: https://julienlargetpiet.tech/static/files/fulgurance.html
Also, you can run the programm on this file to see the output as out.html
g++ -O3 cpp_doc.cpp
And then...
$File: code.py
$Path of the logo image if exists: logo.jpg
That's all.
In .bash_aliases
alias docu="~/./path_to_compiled_programm/a.out"
In documentation make sure to replace character <
by <
and >
by >
Special themes can be described in text file according to the sythax of this file: example_theme.txt