A Simple Java-based app to manage Microsoft™ Flight Simulator cabin sounds
Just download the latest bundle zip version from Releases page, unzip it, execute jmsfs-cabinsounds.exe and you're ready to go.
Just replicate the following structure under the audiofiles directory
Airline Name 1
1.Sound Category 1
- 1.Soundfile1.wav
- 2.Soundfile2.wav
- n.Soundfilen.wav
2.Sound Category 2
- 1.Soundfile1.wav
- 2.Soundfile2.wav
- n.Soundfilen.wav
Airline Name 2
1.Sound Category 1
- 1.Soundfile1.wav
- 2.Soundfile2.wav
- n.Soundfilen.wav
2.Sound Category 2
- 1.Soundfile1.wav
- 2.Soundfile2.wav
- n.Soundfilen.wav
- Mouse right click start audio as background. Requires mouse left click to mute everything else
- Integrate with MSFS 2020 Events (Jsimconnect library already integrated as dependency)