Collection of scripts used for analysis in:
Turner, JA, Babcock, RC, Kendrick, GA, Hovey, RK. How does spatial resolution affect model performance? A case for ensemble approaches for marine benthic mesophotic communities. J Biogeogr. 2019; 46: 1249– 1259.
DATA ACCESSIBILITY: All topographic GIS layers and the ensemble model outputs are archived as raster grids on the Ningaloo Outlook Project website ( and on the Dryad data repository ( For some datasets an embargo period may apply.
Title: Data from: How does spatial resolution affect model performance? A case for ensemble approaches for marine benthic mesophotic communities
DOI: doi:10.5061/dryad.nh07v50
Journal: Journal of Biogeography
Journal manuscript number: JBI-18-0482