Docker image for rdiffweb.
Rdiffweb is used to browse and restore backups created by rdiff-backup. It cannot be used to configure rdiff-backup.
docker pull jshridha/rdiffweb:latest
docker build -t <username>/rdiffweb:<tag>
This container needs access to a minimum of three external volumes. /etc/rdiffweb is used as persistent store for the rdiffweb settings. /backups is the location where rdiff-backup stores its backups. /restores is the location where backups should be restored.
Example: Run without persistent storage or access to backups/restores
docker run -d --name=rdiffweb -p 8080:8080 jshridha/rdiffweb:latest
Example: Run with persistent storage and access to backups/restores
docker run -d --name=rdiffweb -p 8080:8080 -v /docker/rdiffweb/config:/etc/rdiffweb -v /var/backups:/backups -v /var/restores:/restores jshridha/rdiffweb:latest
Access the web UI by browsing to http://hostname:8080
Default username: admin Default password: admin123
After going through the initial initializtion steps, go to the admin area to add users and assign backup locations to these users.
Note: Multiple volume mounts can be attached to the container to allow for backups in many locations.