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JasperZP committed Dec 20, 2023
1 parent 294ebb3 commit 97a8020
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@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
import typer
import re
import functools
from rich.logging import RichHandler
import logging
from rich.progress import track, Progress
import math
from enum import Enum

from itertools import pairwise

import numpy as np

FORMAT = "%(message)s"
level="DEBUG", format=FORMAT, datefmt="[%X]", handlers=[RichHandler()]
log = logging.getLogger("rich")

class Condition:
def __init__(self, var: str | None, min: int, max: int, tgt: str):
self.var = var
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.tgt = tgt

def check(self, xmas: dict[str, int]):
if self.var is None:
return self.tgt
if self.min <= xmas[self.var] <= self.max:
return self.tgt
return None

def __contains__(self, item: int):
return self.min <= item <= self.max

def __repr__(self):
return f"{self.var}:{self.min}-{self.max} -> {self.tgt}"

def intersection(self, other):
if self.var != other.var and self.var is not None and other.var is not None:
return None
if self.max < other.min or self.min > other.max:
return None
return Condition(
max(self.min, other.min),
min(self.max, other.max),

def __sub__(self, other):
if other.max > self.max and other.min < self.min:
raise ValueError(f"Cannot subtract {other} from {self}")
if self.min == other.min:
return Condition(
min(other.max, self.max) + 1,
max(self.max, other.max),
if self.max == other.max:
return Condition(
min(self.min, other.min),
max(other.min, self.min) - 1,
if self.min < other.min:
return Condition(self.var, self.min, other.min - 1, self.tgt)
if self.max > other.max:
return Condition(self.var, other.max + 1, self.max, self.tgt)
return None

def parse_rule(rules: dict[str, str]) -> dict[str, list]:
rules_parsed = {}
for name, rule in rules.items():
conditions = []
for r in rule:
if ":" in r:
cond, tgt = r.split(":")
if "<" in cond:
cond = cond.split("<")
var = cond[0]
max_val = int(cond[1]) - 1
cond = Condition(var, 0, max_val, tgt)
elif ">" in cond:
cond = cond.split(">")
var = cond[0]
min_val = int(cond[1]) + 1
cond = Condition(var, min_val, math.inf, tgt)
raise ValueError(f"Unknown condition {cond}")
tgt = r
cond = Condition(None, 0, math.inf, tgt)
rules_parsed[name] = conditions
return rules_parsed

def calc_accepted(conditions :dict[str, Condition]):
accepted = 1
for cond in conditions.values():
accepted *= cond.max - cond.min + 1
return accepted

def get_num_accepted(
rule_key: str,
rules: dict[str, list],
prev_conditions: dict[str, Condition],
) -> int:
num_accepted = 0
rule = rules[rule_key]
log.debug(f"Prev conditions: {prev_conditions}")
log.debug(f"Rule: {rule}")

conditions = prev_conditions.copy()
for cond in rule:
log.debug(f"Rule {rule_key}: condition: {cond}")
if cond.var:
intersection = conditions[cond.var].intersection(cond)
if intersection:
conditions_int = conditions.copy()
conditions_int[cond.var].min = intersection.min
conditions_int[cond.var].max = intersection.max

remaining = conditions[cond.var] - cond
conditions = conditions.copy()
conditions[cond.var].min = remaining.min
conditions[cond.var].max = remaining.max
intersection = cond
conditions_int = conditions.copy()
conditions = [None] * len(conditions)

if intersection:
rule_key = cond.tgt
if cond.tgt == "R":

if cond.tgt == "A":
num_accepted += calc_accepted(conditions_int)

if not cond.tgt:
num_accepted += get_num_accepted(cond.tgt, rules, conditions_int)

num_accepted += get_num_accepted(cond.tgt, rules, conditions_int)

if None in conditions:
return num_accepted
return num_accepted

def check_part(parts: dict[str, int], rules: dict[str, list]) -> int:
tgt = "in"
while True:
rule = rules[tgt]
for cond in rule:
tgt = cond.check(parts)
if tgt == "R":
return 0
if tgt == "A":
return sum(parts.values())
if tgt is not None:
raise ValueError(f"Unknown target {tgt}")

def main(
input_file: typer.FileText,
log_level: str = "INFO",
part1: bool = True,
part2: bool = True,
rows ="\n")

rules = rows[: rows.index("")]
parts = rows[rows.index("") + 1 :]

parts_txt = [p.strip("{}").split(",") for p in parts]
parts = []
for t in parts_txt:
part = {}
for p in t:
p = p.split("=")
part[p[0]] = int(p[1])

rules_txt = [r.strip("}").split("{") for r in rules]
rules = {}
for r in rules_txt:
rules[r[0]] = r[1].split(",")

rules = parse_rule(rules)

if part1:
accepted_parts_sum = 0
for p in parts:
accepted_parts_sum += check_part(p, rules)"Part 1: {accepted_parts_sum}")

if part2:
accepted = 1
prev_conditions = {}
for var in "xmas":
prev_conditions[var] = Condition(var, 1, 4000, "in")
accepted_conditions = get_num_accepted("in", rules, prev_conditions)"Part 2: {accepted_conditions}")

if __name__ == "__main__":

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