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Simple generator for Terraform/OpenTofu

Getting Started

Simple generator program to combine various .tf and .tfstate files.

Unlike other DRY tools like terragrunt, this tool does not add another layer on top of Terraform/OpenTofu. Instead, the tool's sole purpose is to copy files into another generated file so it can be used by multiple Terraform projects. This addresses Terraform's key limitation: it cannot import files from other folders.

To see this tool in action, see the examples/ folder.


To use this tool, first install it onto your machine:

curl | sudo bash

Next, create a sample project with the init command.

tf-generator init

Finally, follow the instructions to generate your first generated file.

tf-generator generate

Nix Usage

To use this library with nix, import the repository as an overlay.

  tf-generator-overlay = import (builtins.fetchTarball;
  pkgs = import <nixpkgs> { overlays = [ tf-generator-overlay ]; };
pkgs.mkShellNoCC {
  buildInputs = with pkgs; [ tf-generator ];