(That's a mouthful)
This is a NodeJS website template with a working gulpfile. It combines the following packages:
- Twitter Bootstrap 3
- Bower
- React (+Bootstrap Specific Modules)
- Gulp
Vendors included in bower:
- bootstrap v3.3
- jquery (gets auto-downloaded by bootstrap)
- font-awesome v4.3
- react v0.14
- lodash v4.11
- numeraljs v1.5.3
- validator-js v3.30
- react-bootstrap v0.28.3
Gulp tasks will do the following:
- Clean and download bower files
- Combine into one file all vendor js and css files
- Build react files and combine into a single file
- Start server and restart if any files change
Production mode will minify css and uglify javascript.
The gulpfile contains an editable vendors
array. Use this to control what gets combined into one file and how react files map vendor libraries (eg jquery).
$ git clone https://github.com/jpfluger/expressjs-website-template-with-gulp-react-bootstrap.git
$ cd expressjs-website-template-with-gulp-react-bootstrap
$ npm install
gulp prod-server
gulp dev-server
The default server runs at http://localhost:3083. The server.js
is found in src/server.js
gulp prod-build
gulp dev-build
Run task clean
gulp clean
Clean deletes the contents of the following directories:
: contains a copy of bower librariespublic/build/
: the compiled third party bower libraries and react modules
Clean and Download Bower libraries:
gulp default