Crypto matters!
Android Application MVVM-based and written all in Kotlin for retrieving 10 most capitalized Crypto-currencies from CoinMarketCap API (Note: eventually you will need a free API Key).
- MVI Architecture
- Dependency Injection with Hilt
- Modularized App: Data + Domain + Presentation + UI
- Cloud and Local data handling
- Local DB using ROOM
- Uses a Worker for retrieving data each 6 hours from cloud.
- Plot historic prices.
Status of current work and new ideas which will be implemented soon...
- Adding DataBinding ✅
- Migrating to MVI ✅
- Adding ViewModel instead of Controllers ✅
- Adding Navigation JetPack ✅
- Using Material Elements: Cards mainly! ✅
- Using CLEAN structure modules: data + domain + presentation(app) ✅
- Adding Use Cases ✅
- Migrating to Hilt from Dagger ✅
- Adding Kotlin Flow! 🤔 instead of rx java
- Adding Tensorflow Lite!
- Adding Lottie for animations
- Adding MotionLayout for on-boardings
- Adding a MockServer!
- Adding security wrapper API
- Added KTS gradle ✅
- Moved ro compose Material 3 ✅
- Using toml libdependecy ✅
- MIgrate to KSP from KAPT