This is my final project submission for CS50x (Harvard/edx).
A game that requires you to guess the Tweet sentiment of a random Twitter user based their username, display picture, and bio.
This is the development version of the project. The production branch is here. The main difference is the use of SQLite3 in development and PostgreSQL in production.
- Python 3.x - Backend language.
- Flask - Backend microframework.
- PostgreSQL - Database used for the deployed app.
- SQLite - Database used for development (easier to make quick changes and setup).
- Twython - Python API wrapper.
- TextBlob - A library that helps with natural language processing (NLP). Used for sentiment analysis.
- Passlib - Assisted with password hashing.
- Gunicorn - Server used for deployed app.
- jQuery - JavaScript helper library.
- Bootstrap - CSS framework.
- Chart.js - Used to create data visulisations.
- Heroku - Cloud app hosting.