Fuzzapi is rails application which uses API_Fuzzer and provide UI solution for gem.
Clone the repository into your machine
cd /usr/share/ && git clone https://github.com/4k4xs4pH1r3/fuzzapi.git && cd /usr/share/fuzzapi/ && mkdir -p app/assets/config && echo '{}' > app/assets/config/manifest.js && cd /usr/share/fuzzapi/bin
Install & update fuzzapi gem dependencies ruby 2.7.1 + rails
sudo apt-get install libpq-dev -y && sudo apt-get install rbenv ruby-build && rvm install 2.7.1 && rvm use 2.7.1 && gem install rails -v && rbenv rehash && bundle update && gem install API_Fuzzer && gem install rubygems-update && update_rubygems && gem update --system && sudo gem update && gem update `gem outdated | cut -d ' ' -f 1` && bundle install && rails -v && ruby -v && rvm -v && rbenv -v
rake db:migrate
to create tables, migrations etc. -
rails s
to run the server and runexport REDIS_URL=redis:// && bundle exec sidekiq
to run sidekiq. -
in browser which should point to the application url
Fuzzapi comes with Docker
to simplify installation processing. Following commands will setup application using Docker
Clone the repository into your machine
cd /root && git clone https://github.com/4k4xs4pH1r3/fuzzapi.git && cd /root/fuzzapi/ && mkdir -p app/assets/config && echo '{}' > app/assets/config/manifest.js && cd /root/fuzzapi/bin
Install & update fuzzapi gem dependencies ruby 2.7.1 + rails
rvm install 2.7.1 && rvm use 2.7.1 && gem install rails -v && rbenv rehash && bundle update && gem install API_Fuzzer && gem install rubygems-update && update_rubygems && gem update --system && sudo gem update && gem update `gem outdated | cut -d ' ' -f 1` && bundle install && rails -v && ruby -v && rvm -v && rbenv -v
Install Docker in your local machine
docker-compose build
to build the image locally. -
docker-compose up
to run the server. -
in browser which should point to the application url
Fuzzapi uses API_Fuzzer gem.
Authors: www.twitter.com/abhijeth; www.twitter.com/lalithr95; www.twitter.com/srini0x00