What it is? 💡 A web application tool to automate and systematize trials at the Civil Engineering Laboratory. Why did you build this project? 💡 This was my thesis project for my professional degree.
What was my motivation? 💡 This project was conceived in collaboration with my thesis tutor (Phd. Alejandro Hidalgo). He was enchage for the labs and I had learned a web development tools. What did you learn? 💡 Process identification and characterization, information analysis, system design, and programming the logic behind the primary chosen trials, how to create a basic user guide, how to generate results in web view and PDF, hands on HTML & CSS & JavaScript, use of Django as the main framework, SQLite data base, get some basic statistics on the frequency of some trials. Use PythonAnywhere servers to deploy the web applications.
- Here is a LINK to a YouTube video that supports the thesis.
- Here is a LINK to the PowerPoint presentation.
- Here is a LINK to the Process Characterization and the Management process flow map.
- Here is a LINK to the entire documentation.
This is the first impression.
Some features.
The labs.
The users.
First part of the trial.
Second part of the trial.
Results in a web browser part 1.
Results in a web browser part 2
Results in a web browser if there is a graph part 3
Results as a PDF report.
Some statistics part 1.
Some statistics part 2.
Some statistics part 3.
Make a virtual environment and install the requirements.txt files.
virtualenv venv source venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the Django server, migrate and create a super user, it use the default SQLite database.
django manage.py starserver django manage.py migrate django manage.py createsuperuser
- You can follow the manual of Deploying an existing Django project on PythonAnywhere
- Or watch this YouTuBe video
- If you want to contribute or use the code, please do so and open a pull request. I am open to new ideas and opportunities.
- You can always refer to the presentation slides, documentation, or YouTube to learn more about the code's development. Please contact me at [email protected] if you require professional assistance with some code.
- Just clone, fork and experiment.
- How to Implement Multiple User Types with Django
- roles de usuarios en django
- creando registro de usuario e inicio de sesion con django
- MDBootstrap
- Jquery and Jquery UI
- Django modales
- Maths
- Barcode
- To create a code for each test
- Package models
- DropDown choice field
- make tabular data responsive
- responsive html table techniques
- pdf files out of html templates with django
- weasyprint and bootstrap
- resistencia de prismas de albanileria
- serving matplotlib graphs with django without saving
- matplotlib into a django
- add two arrays
- for naming table or columns in data base
- hilite
- gravedad especifica de sólidos