Command-line tool for unpacking *.ggpack-files used in Return to Monkey Island.
You need Rust edition 2021. The easiest way to install Rust is via rustup:
Once you have Rust installed, you can run the following command in the cloned folder to build an executable:
cargo build --release
libdinky includes a feature to decompress and convert KTX-textures to PNG. It can be enabled by building with
cargo build --release --features decompress_ktx
Whenever a *.ktxbz file is extracted, it is then also converted to PNG and saved alongside the extracted file.
Note that this uses your OpenGL-driver for decompressing the BPTC-compressed data. Your milage may vary depending on your GPU and how updated your drivers are.
Return to Monkey Island ggpack tool
ggtool.exe <SUBCOMMAND>
-h, --help Print help information
-V, --version Print version information
extract-files Extracts files
extract-keys Extracts encryption keys from Return to Monkey Island.exe
help Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
list-files Lists files in the ggpack
To use the tool the encryption keys need to be extracted from the 'Return to Monkey Island.exe' file.
To do this run ggtool extract-keys <EXE_FILE>
and the keys will be extracted to the folder keys.
NB: This has been confirmed working with the macOS-binary as well.
To list existing files in a ggpack file run ggtool list-files <PACK_PATH>
To extract one or more file from a ggpack file, run ggtool.exe extract-files <PACK_PATH> <PATTERN> <OUTPATH> [decompile-yack]
is a glob-pattern of the files to extract. For instance AnchorKey02-hd.ktxbz
or Anchor*
If you supply decompile-yack
. ggtool will also spit out text-readable *.yack files.