Temporary email from the terminal.
tmpmail creates a temporary email address for receiving messages right from the terminal. It's a command-line utility written in POSIX sh and uses the 1secmail API.
... and of course tmpmail.
First, you'll need to clone this repository or download the zip.
git clone https://github.com/jonlabelle/tmpmail.git
Installing will grab latest version of tmpmail and symlink it to
. cd
to the tmpmail/
directory and run the install script
with the -i
bash install.sh -i
To uninstall the ~/bin/tmpmail
symlink, cd
to the tmpmail/
directory and
run the install script with the -u
bash install.sh -u
tmpmail -h | --version
tmpmail -g [ADDRESS]
tmpmail [-t | -b BROWSER] -r | ID
When called with no option and no argument, tmpmail lists the messages in the
inbox and their numeric IDs. When called with one argument, tmpmail shows the
email message with specified ID.
-b, --browser BROWSER
Specify BROWSER (default: w3m) that is used to render the HTML of the
-g, --generate [ADDRESS]
Generate a new email address, either the specified ADDRESS, or randomly
create one.
-h, --help
Show help.
-r, --recent
View the most recent email message.
-t, --text
View the email as raw text, where all the HTML tags are removed.
Without this option, HTML is used.
Show version.
# To create a temporary/random email inbox:
tmpmail --generate
# To use a custom email inbox:
tmpmail --generate [email protected]
# To list messages and their numeric ID:
# To display the most recent received email:
tmpmail --recent
# To open a specific message:
tmpmail <email_id>
# To view email as raw text without HTML tags:
tmpmail --text <email_id>
# To open email with a specific browser (default is w3m):
tmpmail --browser <browser> <email_id>