This repository contains the source code for the app that used to power, a web repository of my cartoons and comics. (As of 2019, the site instead runs on static pages derived from this app.)
This website uses the Ruby on Rails 3.2 web development framework and the ZURB Foundation 2 web design framework. The site itself is happily hosted on Heroku.
Feel free to make use of the code as you see fit (except to hack the site).
Add Turbolinks support- Add auto-scroll to top of comic (except on homepage)
- Add listings/archive pages for Everything and individual categories
- Added an About page (and removed the ugly "news" flash on the homepage)
- Improved footer nav
2012-05 / 2012-06
- Initial version of site goes live. Fully responsive with reflowing frames and the ability to sort by category
- Add search
- Add custom 404 and 500 error pages
- Change the favicon to something better