A front-end project skeleton using Nunjucks and others tools that optimize my job converting PSD/AI to static HTML. WIKI
npm i njfrontend -g
njfrontend your-folder
cd your-folder
npm install
Obs.: your-folder is optional to clone in current directory or in another folder
You need git to clone the repository. You can get git from http://git-scm.com/.
You must have node.js and its package manager (npm) installed. You can get them from http://nodejs.org/.
Over npm or git clone
npm i njfrontend -g
njfrontend your-folder
cd your-folder
Clone the repository using git:
git clone https://github.com/joaodfmota/njfrontend.git
cd njfrontend
After cloned or installed over npm you need to install the dependencies of your new project
npm install
I've have preconfigured the project with a simple development web server. The simplest way to start this server is:
gulp watch
Other's commands
gulp --production
assets/ --> assets files for the project
svg/ --> svg files
main.js --> DOM-based Routing scripts
common/ --> Common styles
components/ --> Components styles
layouts/ --> Layouts styles
main.scsss --> Main SCSS file
dist/ --> dist files for the project
source/ --> source files for the project
pages/ --> pages files
templates/ --> templates files
partials/ --> partials files
bower.js --> bower file
gulpfile.js --> gulp file