University library frontend created with library functionalities implemented that interact with local Node.js server (note - only frontend code shown in repository)
- Creating an interactive web app
- Using JavaScript to interface with a RESTful API
- Using HTTP requests to send, receive and edit data on a server
- U1 - Add a new User to the Library system with the fields Name, Barcode and Member Type (Staff/Student).
- U2 - Get a User’s details from the Library system by searching on Name or Barcode
- U3 - Update a User’s Name or Member Type
- U4 - Remove a User
- B1 - Add a new Book to the Library system with the fields Title, ISBN, Authors.
- B2 - Get a Book’s details by searching on Title
- B3 - Remove a Book
- B4 - Find books written by an author
- B5 - Add an author to a book
- B6 - Search for an author
- B7 - Delete an author
- L1 - Loan a Book to a User (if it is not already out on Loan), specifying the Due Date
- L2 - Get a list of a User’s current Loans
- L3 - Get the User currently borrowing a Book
- L4 - Update a loan's due date