Working on RasperryPi B Raspbian 2015.02 , maybe on other Rpis versions you should modify GPIO.
The python script allow to command a linux router (flashed with tomatousb, dd-wrt, ..) with ssh enabled to activade/desactivate wifi, reboot Rasperry pi, allow to reboot on other OS with berryboot. This is commanded with 433 or 315 Mhz 4 buttons remote control.
- Install pip ´sudo apt-get install python-dev python-pip´
- install WiringPi2 with pip install ´sudo pip install wiringpi2´
- Install paramiko with pip install ´sudo pip install paramiko´
- Downlod or fork this code for your needs
- Enter your informations like router ip id and password
- edit crontab to launch the script at boot with sudo ´sudo crontab -e´ add this line at the end ´@reboot /home/pi/´