Releases: jgyates/genmon
- Improvements to alarm/warning handling for Evolution.
- Added lots of new error codes in ALARMS.txt (Evo)
- Corrected problem with displaying input sensors (Evo)
- Add fuel type selection in conf file for liquid cooled evo generators to better support input sensors (Evo)
- Updated info on cable in wiki/readme
- Added decimal value (minutes) to generator run time, to hundredths place (Evo)
- Added "Hours of Protection" (sort of a useless metric but it was free) (Evo)
- Improved command line experience by making it more forgiving to errors (Evo, Nexus)
- Use ALARMS.txt to fill in missing strings for unknown alarm log (Evo only)
- Added new support program ( This will create a CSV file and log every time the generator state changes. Over time you could use this to better estimate determine your fuel usage if you log how much fuel you use as well. This CVS file can be imported into Excel or other spreadsheet applications.
Updates include:
improved handling of commands via command line and email: a space is not longer required after the colon (i.e. generator: status), zero length and invalid / misspelled commands now fail more gracefully.
Included jquery java scrip file so it will not have to be downloaded over the internet. This allows for an internet-less installation.
Added option in mail.conf to allow the disabling of email and better handling of errors if not internet connection is present when email is initialized.
Minor updates to readme to reflect changes and improve the documentation.
Minor updates to alarm handling to properly display "service due" warnings
Restructured the location of some files in the repository to make setup easier. Now all files that depend on,, are in the root of the project.
Added script to make starting and stopping genmon easier and callable from crontab.
Genmon can now optionally not send emails without complaining.
Updated to reflect changes.
Added to the repository. Several documentation updates. No the preferred method to test the serial port is instead of minicom since it requires no external dependencies.
Also made one change to so will not throw an unhandled exception if the email is not configured or there is no internet connection.
Corrected problems with Nexus alarm log. This has been validated and is now working.
Added logic to display explanation of unknown log entries and how to resolve them in the output of the log command
Updated the logic for displaying the serial number to make it more forgiving of unknown register formats.
- Added the ability to set the generator time from the web UI
- Added the ability to set remote commands from the web UI (start, stop, starttransfer)
- Corrected a defect in the serial communications error handling. The result is a much more robust recovery when errors are detected on the serial comms.