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Releases: jgyates/genmon


16 Sep 00:22
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  • Added fuel consumption for Evolution
  • Improved detection for model specific details for Evolution and Nexus Liquid Cooled Models
  • Added engine displacement for most models
  • Added the ability to reset the power log and fuel consumption from the web UI maintenance page
  • Added more error codes for the main status register
  • Added new support program for importing genmon data into a MQTT broker server to better support home automation integration
  • Added the ability to send email using BCC instead of the To field
  • Added support for sending text messages (SMS) via Raspberry Pi Expansion board with the program.
  • Added the ability for Evo Liquid Cooled Controllers to remotely change Off, Manual, Auto buttons on the front panel. The web interface will allow the button status to be changed from the Maintenance page if your controller supports this feature.
  • Added program This program will be called by to optionally start each program in the project. This program prevents overwriting when the software is updated. The file /etc/genmon.conf will determine which programs will be loaded. loads to start or stop the software. will read /etc/genloader.conf to determine which programs to load. NOTE if you have edited you will need to modify the /etc/genloader.conf file after the update.

Notes about fuel consumption calculation:

  • This feature is only supported systems that have the power meter functionality (Evolution controller)
  • Past version of the code only supported a power log that holds one month of data, this has been extended to support longer store intervals (log is limited by file size)
  • The GUI will show the fuel usage for the past month on the Maintenance page.
  • Presently, only supports Propane load curve and returns the data in gallons, unless "Use Metric Units".
  • Evolution air cooled units and limited Evolution liquid cooled units are currently support. For additional liquid cooled units, the load curves must be added to the code. Let me know if you have a unit that needs to be supported.
  • The data from the spec sheets that I found only have data points for half and full load to the load curve is linear. Based on the data from a diesel generator (which has 4 data points instead of 2) the load curve is not exactly linear, but it is close.
  • For fuel consumption calculations to work, your Evolution controller must correctly report current output. This page details how to validate your current output is configured correctly.
  • See this page for additional details.


29 Jun 03:50
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This release includes the following:

  • Added the ability to display weather information from If you installed the Generator Monitor Software before version 1.9.6 and are upgrading you must run this command to enable the weather features: "sudo pip install pyowm"
  • Improvements to displaying user defined JSON data
  • Improvements to error handling
  • Corrected bug in kw log for Evolution
  • Optimizations for slower SD cards on Web UI
  • Limited rights user logon
  • Added the ability to disable email write commands
  • New alarm condition for Nexus Air Cooled
  • More functionality for H-100 controllers. Beta level.
  • Added the ability to move and resize controls on web interface.
  • Made improvements to support programs to display errors in a readable format.
  • Corrected issue with notification emails not reflecting the actual state of the engine.
  • Added support for Synergy Evolution Controller
  • Improvements to startup and shutdown sequence
  • Optimizations for slower CPUs (i.e. Pi Zero)
  • Minor update to serial number lookup logic
  • Validated Enhanced Exercise Frequency on Evolution Liquid Cooled (Must have ~FW V1.38)
  • Update to display of WiFi signal strength to better support variants in USB devices
  • Added system uptime to platform stats


21 May 01:47
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  • Initial (alpha) support for H-100 controller (Generac Industrial Generators)
  • Added ability to send registers to the developer via the gui
  • Updated internal debugging functions for aiding in supporting new features on various controllers
  • Added maintenance hour count for additional service events for Nexus and Evolution
  • Improvements to Automated Feedback to let you know if you have useful feedback waiting to be sent.
  • Added Current Output and kW log and gauge for Evolution Controllers
  • Added utility for exporting kW log for Evolution Controllers
  • Add the ability to display end user data in the web interface Monitor page
  • Added the ability to display Raspberry Pi statistics on the Monitor page
  • Improvements to Web UI notification of problems within the software
  • Display of platform information on Monitor page: cpu utilization, wifi signal strength and signal quality if using wifi, etc


16 Apr 02:35
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  • Added maintenance hour count for additional service events (service A and B) (Maintenance screen).
  • Extended Engine Run Hours to support larger values (run hours larger than 65536 hours)
  • Added Display of Set Output Voltage for Evo LC (Under Status -> Line State)
  • Added Display of Delay Startup Time for Evo AC and Evo LC (Outage Screen)
  • Automated Feedback - This feature will send an email to the software developer if the generator monitor encounters a problem interpreting your generator register information. This feature can be enabled in the settings section of the web interface. The setting is disabled by default, however enabling this feature will promote the widest support of generator types and features. The only information contained in the email, if enabled is your sender address and your register information. If enabled you can view your sent email folder to see the contents of any emails sent. In most cases emails will never be sent as there are currently four unique events that would trigger and email being sent
    1. You generator has information in the model ID register that is not know by the software
    2. You generator has an engine state unknown to the software
    3. Your generator has an alarm condition not known by the software
    4. You generator has a log entry not know by the software


11 Apr 02:19
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Missed one file in the last release tag. This release tag corrects that. Of course you can just pull the Master or clone.


11 Apr 01:39
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Thanks @buschauer for the web UI enhancements!

  • New Current and kW Output. Evo LC only at this time, Evo AC kW / Current is enabled via the Unknown Sensors option until future testing and validation is complete (still WIP). Kilowatt log is kept by genmon if the kW Output feeature supported for your your controller.
  • Updated WebUI includes gauges and graphs
  • More input parameter checking in WebUI
  • Added the ability the software to the latest version from the web UI
  • Removed some unneeded entries from the web interface
  • Enhancements to the web UI registers page
  • Improved the layout of the settings and notifications page to better illustrate setting dependancies.
  • Removed Active Relays from Evo AC. Further investigation has shown that these were not valid and the underlying register has a different use.
  • Added Active Rotor Poles. Note this is calculated value based on Frequency and RPMs. It could be useful in diagnosing issues. 1800 RPM generators have 4 rotor poles, 3600 RPM generators have 2.
  • Improved genmon responsiveness during generator startup and shutdown by offloading the updating the logs to a separate thread.
  • Model detection model and Nominal RPMs by looking up serial number on the generac site to retrieve model information (internet access required, otherwise default values are used). The internet lookup will use default values if no internet connection is available. The internet lookup will occur once, the values will be stored in the genmon.conf file. If a new version of is installed then the lookup will occur again.
  • Evo AC now supports register based base model identification via registers.
  • New editable parameters in web UI settings : Nominal RPMs, Maximum kW Output, Fuel Type, Frequency) Default values are selected based on register values. Fuel type must be selected by the user. Note these values are used to change how the information is displayed (i.e. maximum kW and RPM for gauges). Future features will potentially use Fuel Type.
  • new conf file entry containing the current version of genmon. This is help when adding new features.


04 Mar 20:07
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Thanks to @buschauer for the improvements in this release.

  • Amended to remove hardcoding of the install path so that
    I can maintain concurrent directories with the software, while
    maintaining ability to start from CRON
  • Amended startgenmon.csh to allow for "restart" option
  • Showing tooltips from config files on SETTINGS screen.
  • disable settings fields if their parent has been disabled.
  • included all settings from genmon.conf into the Settings page and
    grouped them
  • Mark settings that have changed in a yellow background and only store
  • Included a Notification section
  • added option lines to mymail.conf for each email address to indicate the
    type of notification it should receive. If the optional line is absent,
    all notifications are sent to the email address to ensure backward
  • Cleaned Up the index.html and genmon.css to make sure the header, footer
    and menu are part of the main HTML body and cleaned up the css to make
    it simpler to understand where these elements are styled.
  • Fixed footer and header to ensure they are not moving off-page
  • make sure the link to github is opening in a new browser window


03 Mar 01:51
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  • Added support for exporting of generator data using JSON format to support third parth integration
  • Added a new page in the web UI for showing registers as they change (bottom of page)
  • genmon -Minor changes to make handling the changing of the configparser library case more transparent.
  • genmon - Fix for Frequency display for Nexus Liquid Cooled.
  • Web UI - Corrected minor issue where Maintenance info was showing up on Settings page if you navigated directly from Maintenance to Settings.
  • mymail - Fix to allow better interoperability with mail servers that require login and unicode
  • mymail - Minor update to make disabling SMTP or IMAP individually work with less dependencies on white spaces in the conf file.
  • mylog - increased log file max size from 4k to 10k


11 Feb 04:10
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This update includes the following:

  • Fixed bug in Nexus setexercise command line parsing.
  • Minor update included update log entry
  • Added new error log entry for Nexus Controllers
  • Fix for Frequency display for Nexus Liquid Cooled.
  • Added ability to have HTTPS web interface (thanks @ColtB45)
  • Added the ability to have a username and password for the web interface (thanks @ColtB45)
  • Added a settings page to access email setting parameters (thanks @buschauer)


25 Nov 17:55
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This release includes the following:

  • New Feature to allow setting weekly, biweekly and monthly exercise frequency if your generator supports this functionality
  • New alarm log entries for Nexus and Evolution
  • Added new feature to sync the generator time a a change in Daylight Savings Time
  • Added a new feature to sync the generator time with the Pi every hour
  • Changed the display order of the logs output (Start / Stop log now displayed last)
  • Python 3 should work now. Python 2.7 is still the recommended version of python as it has much more testing performed.