./install-sigsci-agent-module-iis.ps1 -modversion latest -agentversion latest -accesskeyid <youraccesskey> -secretaccesskey <secretaccesskey>
- modversion [required]
- agentversion [required]
- accesskeyid [optional]
- secretaccesskey [optional]
You can provide an agent.conf in the same place you are running the script, and it will do some silly validation and use that. I have not tested it with a revproxy config yet.
This tool will do the following:
- Install the agent (version specified)
- Install the module (version specified)
- Install IIS if not installed.
If a secretaccesskey and accesskeyid are not provided, it will install, but the agent cannot bootstrap to log to the control plane or provide advice to the module for requests.
I will update this from time to time when I have the time. I am bad at powershell and it shows :)
NOTE This is not an official way to install the agent nor module. I uplodated this as this is how I deploy my dev instances.