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Term project for ITIS 6410/8410

Setup Python environment for both the frontend and backend

Download git from here if you don't have it already. Then:

  1. git clone this repository: git clone
  2. enter your project directory (if not already): cd group-music-recommender
  3. set up an environment: python -m venv name_of_your_environment
  4. enter your environment: (in Windows) name_of_your_venv\Scripts\activate.bat
  5. install dependencies: pip install -r requirements.txt

A guide on Python environments here.



Getting a YouTube API Key

  1. Go to
  2. Click Create Project
  3. Choose a name for your project and click Create
  4. Click Enable APIs and Services
  5. Search for the "YouTube" API, and we will use the YouTube Data API v3
  6. Click Enable. We can now create the API key.
  7. Click Create Credentials
  8. Select the API we will be running (YouTube), and that we are running the API from "Other non-UI" (since we are using Python scripts). We will also select that we will be accessing "Public data" (for now at least).
  9. Save the API key given!

File will be named "YouTube API Key.txt" and stored in just the main repository.

Setup MongoDB

  1. Install MongoDB Compass
  2. Navigate to our project's cluster on MongoDB Atlas after signing in and click "Connect"
  3. Click "Connect using MongoDB Compass" and copy the connection string
  4. Within MongoDB Compass, click "New Connection" and paste the connection string
  5. Replace "password" in the string with our actual password and click connect


To run the backend, create a text file in the main repository named "MongoDB Password.txt" and paste our MongoDB Atlas cluster password there.
Then run:

cd backend 

It should now be running! (Make sure you are also in your environment when you do this. If not, run pipenv shell first)

Discord Bot



We need Lavalink for this project.

  1. Download OpenJDK 13.0.1 from here: and save it under /frontend
  2. Then download Lavalink from here. Just click on the Lavalink.jar. Once downloaded, put this under /frontend/jdk-13.0.1/bin
  3. Under /frontend/jdk-13.0.1/bin, create a file called "application.yml." Then paste the contents from here. Edit the "address" (on line 3) from to and save the file.

Note, if you get an error (issue described here), you may need to download a different version of Java. Try version 13, downloadable from here.


To run the discord bot, first run Lavalink:

cd frontend
cd jdk-13.0.1
cd bin
java -jar Lavalink.jar

Once Lavalink is running, you can start the Discord bot itself using:

python .\

Also note that you need to be in the python environment before running this.
To do so, type pipenv shell.

Once you have done this, the Discord bot should be online! :)
You can now use it in whatever Discord server it is added.


Term project for ITIS 6410/8410






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