rw-ratio is a Perl script that helps quantify the number of reads and writes in a MySQL database, as well as the deltas of reads, writes and ratios of reads to writes. It uses a vmstat-style output (one line of TAB-separated values.)
rw-ratio --host=host --user=user [--password=password --port=port --sleep=sleep]
- --host The hostname of IP address of the database server to connect to.
- --port The port number of the database server to connect to. It defaults to 3306.
- --user The username to connect as.
- --password The password to connect with. If not supplied on the command line, you will be prompted for it.
- --sleep The number of seconds to sleep between each sample. It defaults to 300.
- --help This manual page. Full docs are availabe in the POD (perldoc rw-ratio).
Each line looks like:
Time: 1253902509 Interval: 10 R: 59 dR: 59 W: 17 dW: 17 dR/dW: 3.47 R/W: 3.47
- Time The timestamp, expressed as a UNIX epoch, of the sample.
- Interval The number of seconds between the previous sample and the current sample.
- R The total number of database reads.
- dR The delta of reads between the previous sample and the current sample.
- W The total number of database writes.
- dW The delta of writes between the previous sample and the current sample.
- dR/dW The ratio of reads to writes, calculated using the current deltas
- R/W The ratio of reads to writes, calculated using the totals
The deltas can be disregarded in the first line of output since there are no previous counters to compare to. Two SQL statements count as both read and write statements: INSERT ... SELECT; and REPLACE ... SELECT; so are, thus, counted twice.