The Diamond Monster 3D card is a 3Dfx Voodoo 1.
The Voodoo 1 normally comes with 4MB of RAM in total - 2MB for each of the main chip on the card - FBI (frame buffer interface) and TMU (texture mapping unit).
However, according to 3Dfx documentation, these chips support more than just 2MB of RAM. And extra RAM brings extra capabilities to the card. Therefore, it makes sense to mod the card for the better.
Thanks to BitsUndBolts, Voodoo 1 cards with socket-spacing RAM chips can be modded with his 3Dfx Voodoo Memory Mod.

However, the Diamond card has a tight chip spacing and his mod can't work on this card. Therefore I had to create this specific one on my own.
The All-in-one long version of the instructions is in All-in-one README.md.
I've also broken it up into separate pages in the Wiki for the ease of navigation.
I designed a 3D printed armor set for this video card. It offers support for the out-most modules of the VRAM modules, which tend to sag due to the lack of support.
Link: Printables Page
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