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My dotfiles. I am a developer who works primarily on macOS/Darwin. This configuration will allow you to do common things with very few keystrokes. After trying various combinations over the years I settled on zsh/neovim/wezterm and have customized them to work with each other.

"UNIX is an IDE."


Left pane active. The results are from executing the alias l, which uses eza under the hood. The third column shows when the file/directory was last modified in the git repo.


  • Tabs by default are labeled with the git root directory, updating when you change directories
  • Inactive panes are dimmed
  • Changing panes is done with Shift ⌘ <direction>, where <direction> is a vim-style movement key, i.e.: hjkl. So after pressing Shift ⌘ L to switch to the pane to the right we get this:


Right pane active. Here Neovim is loaded with a Typescript file. An error on line 35 is being reported by the LSP.

This setup is fairly Zen: work is done primarily in the right pane, which means that the code I'm working on is generally centered on the screen.


> git clone [email protected]:jchilders/dotfiles.git
> cd dotfiles
> make install

The install target will:

  1. Set up macOS defalts
  2. Link the xdg_config directory to $HOME/.config
  3. Install the default Homebrew packages, including Neovim

To undo the above:

> make clean

Q: lol why are you using Make?

A: Because it works pretty well out of the box and is consistent. I tried nix, and my experience was similar to this: too many moving parts.


ctrl-o acts as an action key prefix for opening files/doing things with them, similar to cmd-p in VSCode. Its primary purpose is to open files in $EDITOR (hence the o prefix). The full list of ctrl-o commands are given below, but these are a few of the most frequently used:

mapping description
^oo Open file. Respects .gitignore
^ogs Open uncommited changed file ("git status")
^ob Open buffer (neovim only)

Working with REPLs/shells

Text in neovim can be sent to an adjacent pane for execution in the REPL or shell you're currently working in. This allows for testing out either single lines, or entire blocks. Try this:

  1. Open nvim in the right pane.
  • Hit cmd t to open a new tab if you need to
  1. Insert the following into neovim: echo hello
  2. Hit esc to exit insert mode
  3. Press <space>sh. This will the current line to the pane to the left and execute it.
  • Multiple lines can similarly be sent by visually selecting them and hitting <space>sh.


The <leader> key is <space>.

Zen-ish Mode

Press <leader>z to hide the gutter (current and relative line numbers, git indicators, etc.), indentation helpers, and any inline LSP warnings or errors appearing inline.



Tabs & Panes

mapping description
cmd-t New tab
cmd-w Close tab
shift-cmd-[ Previous tab
shift-cmd-] Next tab
shift-cmd-f Toggle full screen
shift-cmd-n Rotate panes
shift-cmd-<dir> Go to pane in <dir> (hjkl)
cmd-<num> Goto tab <num>
^ar Rename tab
^a% Horizontally split pane (left/right)
^a- Vertically split pane (top/bottom)
^az Zoom/unzoom pane.
^a[ Enter copy mode. Use hjkl to nav, then v to select, then y
to copy selected text to clipboard


As mentioned above, ctrl-o acts as an action prefix similar to cmd-p/shift-cmd-p in VSCode. It's original purpose is to open files (hence the o prefix).

ctrl-o file mappings

These work in both zsh and nvim.

mapping description
^oo Open file. Respects .gitignore
^oO Open any file. Ignores .gitignore

ctrl-o git mappings

mapping description
^ogb Switch git branch
^ogs Open file ("git status")
^ogd Show file diff (zsh only)
^oga Add file to git staging area (zsh only)

The last two allow you to diff/add files extremely quickly. Say you just did ^gd (git diff) for Pressing ^oga after doing so will prompt you:

Add to the git staging area? [Y/n/d/c]

Y will add it, n will abort, d will let you do a diff, and c will check it out, overwriting your changes. So if you do a ^ogd and realize you want to abandon the changes made to that file, just do ^oga then c and voila.

The mappings are built to allow for quickly doing diff/add operations. You are encouraged to try this until your muscle memory gets familiar with it. This flow works particularly well when there are multiple files that need to be reviewed and added to the commit (or reverted).

Neovim specific ctrl-o mappings

mapping description
^ob Switch buffer by filename
^or go to symbol (method name, etc.) for current buffer

Other Noteworthy Neovim Mappings

The leader key is currently <space>.

mapping description
Enter Clear highlighted search
<Leader><Leader> Switch between next/previous buffers
<Leader>z Toggle Zen-ish mode
<Leader>]] Go to next error/warning
<Leader>[[ Go to previous error/warning

Editing and Running Tests

mapping description
<Leader>et Edit the recently modified test
<Leader>rt Run most recently modified test in left pane
<Leader>rT Run most recently modified test for current line/test case in left pane

I use these very frequently.

Sending to panes

In my workflow I have wezterm open with two panes (left/right). The left pane is for a terminal or repl, the right pane is neovim. Keep this in mind for the below.

mapping description
<Leader>s[dir] Send current line/visual selection to the dir pane (hjkl)

This lets you quickly run individual lines (or blocks) in an adjacent repl. Hitting <Leader>sh sends the current line to the pane to the left (h direction). This works with visual blocks as well.

Opening localhost in browser (neovim)

mapping description
<Leader>ol Switches to browser, then to the tab w/ localhost, & reloads



Additional zsh mappings:

mapping description
^t Find file and append to current cursor position
^r Search command history


alias description
gcb Copies current branch name to pasteboard (clipboard)
gd git diff
gst git status -sb
r Rerun previous command


ruby/rails zsh/neovim

These are available in both zsh and neovim.

mapping description
^orc Find & edit Rails controller
^orm Find & edit Rails model
^orv Find & edit Rails view

ruby/rails neovim

These are available in neovim.

mapping description
<Leader>bp Insert binding.pry below current line
<Leader>bP Insert binding.pry above current line
<Leader>rp Insert puts below current line
<Leader>rP Insert puts above current line

ruby/rails zsh

These are available in zsh.

alias description
bi bundle install
cdgem <gem> cd to the directory for the given gem
rc bin/rails console, or bin/console if in a Gem directory
rs rails server
rdbm rake db:migrate
rdbms rake db:migrate:status
rdbmt rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test
rdbmst rake db:migrate:status RAILS_ENV=test

Directory Navigation

After using cd once you should be ablet to use z (zoxide) thereafter. z lets you cd to directories given just a partial path. Example:

➜ cd ~/work/proj1
➜ cd
➜ z pro # takes you to ~/work/proj1

Using a devcontainer

Work in progress.

devcontainer build --workspace-folder . --image-name jc_dotfiles:latest
docker ps -a
devcontainer up --workspace-folder .
devcontainer exec --workspace-folder . /bin/zsh

To stop/rebuild/restart the devcontainer:

docker ps -a
docker rm jc_dotfiles
devcontainer build --workspace-folder . --image-name jc_dotfiles:latest
devcontainer up --workspace-folder .