This is a library for parsing, manipulating, and serializing data structured as JSON. It's built on the Angstrom and Faraday libraries. The underlying type is a simple polymorphic type:
type t =
[ `Null
| `False
| `True
| `String of string
| `Number of string
| `Object of (string * t) list
| `Array of t list
Note that Number
has a type of string
! This is intentional, as it is left up
to the user to decide how numbers should be interpreted. Certain fields might be
integers while others might be floats.
The most bare-bones use case of this library is to pattern match on the type above and use the following two functions:
val of_string : string -> t
val to_string : t -> string
The kernel library simply contains the type and functions to serialize and deserialize the type to a string. It has no other dependencies outside of Angstrom and Faraday.