Learning app that runs as a Telegram Bot...as in you access it from the Telegram app.
- Linux
- Docker
Build the docker image:
$ sudo docker build -t lottie-learn .
To run the container / app, you will need a Telegram Token. Install and create an account with Telegram. Within the app search for "BotFather" and send the /newbot message to it. Follow the instructions to create a new bot, making sure to store the API key somewhere safe.
On your server, run the container:
$ sudo docker run -d --name lottie-learn -e TOKEN={API-KEY} lottie-learn
{API-KEY} is the Telegram bot's key given to you by BotFather.
To run manually, run the bot.py program from the command line like so:
$ python3 ./src/bot.py --token {API-KEY}
Again, {API-KEY} is the Telegram bot's key given to you by BotFather.