- Desktop (passmark 2584, 95W) https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-7700K+%40+4.20GHz&id=2874
- Jetson TX2 (-, 7.5W) https://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=march-2017-arm&num=2
- EuRoC Stereo-Inertial https://projects.asl.ethz.ch/datasets/doku.php?id=kmavvisualinertialdatasets
Vision-only Systems:
- GF-ORB-SLAM Stereo with Good Graph BA https://github.com/ivalab/gf_orb_slam2
- GF-ORB-SLAM Stereo with sliding window BA [same as above]
- GF-ORB-SLAM Stereo with co-visiblity BA [same as above]
- GF-ORB-SLAM Stereo with Canonical Local BA [same as above]
- ORB-SLAM Stereo with Canonical Local BA [same as above]
- SVO Stereo https://github.com/YipuZhao/rpg_svo
Visual-Inertial Systems:
- VINS-Fusion https://github.com/YipuZhao/VINS-Fusion
- ICE-BA https://github.com/YipuZhao/ICE-BA
- MSCKF Stereo https://github.com/YipuZhao/msckf_vio
Compared to the official repos, the baseline methods in my repo are with explicit logging on pose tracking and time cost.
- Laptop (passmark 2140, 15W) https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Core+i7-8550U+%40+1.80GHz&id=3064
- Gazebo simulated closed-loop navigation benchmark https://github.com/ivalab/meta_ClosedLoopBench
Vision-only Systems:
- GF-ORB-SLAM Stereo with Good Graph BA https://github.com/ivalab/gf_orb_slam2
- GF-ORB-SLAM Stereo with sliding window BA [same as above]
- GF-ORB-SLAM Stereo with co-visiblity BA [same as above]
- GF-ORB-SLAM Stereo with Canonical Local BA [same as above]
- ORB-SLAM Stereo with Canonical Local BA [same as above]
- SVO Stereo https://github.com/YipuZhao/rpg_svo
Visual-Inertial Systems:
- MSCKF Stereo https://github.com/YipuZhao/msckf_vio
title={Good Graph to Optimize: Cost-Effective, Budget-Aware Bundle Adjustment in Visual SLAM},
author={Zhao, Yipu and Smith, Justin S. and Vela, Patricio A.},
journal={submitted to IEEE Transactions on Robotics},
- Yipu Zhao [email protected]
- Justin S. Smith [email protected]
- Patricio A. Vela [email protected]