Statistical Models for Business Analytics (Introduction to Machine Learning) - MGSC 310, Fall 2020
Corinne Smith, Erin Lee, Jon Le, Adam Gonzalez, Debbie Lu
- variables used in project:
- outcome: “average_rating”
- predictors (9 total):
- "num_pages"
- “book_ratings_count”
- “text_reviews_count”
- “title_sentiment_avg”
- “authorworkcount”
- “author_fans”
- “author_ratings_count
- “author_review_count”
- “gender”
- Download the "datasets" folder.
- Download the "MGSC310FinalProject.Rmd" file.
- Given that the "datasets" folder & "MGSC310FinalProject.Rmd" file are in the same directory, open & run the R Markdown file in RStudio.
Table of Coefficients
Plot of Coefficients
Plot of the Error Versus the Penalty (Regression with Regularization)
Plot of the Path of the Coefficients
Examining an Individual Model from Bagging
Plot of Error Vesus the Number of Trees
Variable Importance Plot
Plotting the Minimum Depth Distribution