openITCOCKPIT 4.8.2
61 commits
to development
since this release
Changelog - openITCOCKPIT - 4.8.2
New Features
- IsarFlow Module / Import Module: Show IsarFlow data
- Log of notification events
- External Commands API: Implement option to pass external commands by host- or service name
- Import Module: i-doit Importer with User and Password
Bug fixes
- User Container Roles index permissions check to strict
- User Role can be removed even when still associated on a user
- Users Edit and Delete permissions not working
- Checkmk Module: Value of host macros is lost if macros are inherited from a template.
- Disabled services in ServiceDowntime/add selection
- SLAModule: Filter in SLA Host Status Overview for host groups not working
- Eventlogs shows no records when all types are deselected in the filter
- UnitScaler returns wrong unit on auto refresh
- Hosts are copied twice
- Autoreport Module: Division by zero in SLA Chart
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