A full list of teleoperation environments can be found in the environment catalog.
Sample data can be downloaded here. This data is in an old format and will be replaced with a new format soon.
Connect SpaceMouse to your PC before launching the script.
Start up the teleoperation environment by the following command.
$ python bin/TeleopMujocoUR5eCable.py
If you want to collect data only in a simulation environment with limited world indices (for example, only 0 and 5), add the following option:
$ python bin/TeleopMujocoUR5eCable.py --world_idx_list 0 5
To add a 3D plot of the point cloud, add the following option:
$ python bin/TeleopMujocoUR5eCable.py --enable_3d_plot
If you cannot zoom the point cloud view by right-clicking, try changing the matplotlib version: pip install matplotlib=="3.6.1"
To replay the teleoperation motion of the log, add the following option:
$ python bin/TeleopMujocoUR5eCable.py --replay_log ./teleop_data/UR5eCable/env0/UR5eCable_env0_000.npz