Unit tests for performance-based assessments
IRIS container
Base Image: Use latest stable IRIS build – community Edition is fine.
File system
- Copy this repository into /usr/irissys/assessment/ in the IRIS container
- Make /usr/irissys/assessment/UnitTest/ in the IRIS container readable/writeable for all users
IRIS instance
Add tech/demo user with %All role.
Compile files from the following folders into the USER namespace:
- MySample
- UnitTest
Put the following classes into deployed mode:
- MySample.Dispatch
- UnitTest.Q1.Test
- UnitTest.Q2.Test
- UnitTest.Q3.Test
Run these commands in the user namespace:
- Define the path on the file system for unit test suite.
- Set ^UnitTestRoot=”/usr/irissys/assessment/UnitTest/”
- Define the path where frontend resides.
- Set ^FrontEndBasePath="/usr/irissys/assessment/FrontEnd/"
- Define the path on the file system for unit test suite.
Create web application:
- Name: /unittests/rest
- Namespace: USER
- Enable: yes
- Dispatch class: MySample.Dispatch
- Allowed Authentication Methods: Unauthenticated
- Application Roles: %All
codeserver container
- Include ObjectScript extension pack
- InterSystems ObjectScript connection, attached to USER namespace
- Export MySample package from USER namespace to /shared/ in codeserver
Totara launcher
- Show IDE link
- Show WebTerminal link
- Hide management portal link and external connection info
- Add link called Unit Test Application: http://[server:port]/bssa/unittests/rest/index.html