Releases: irontec/ivozprovider
IvozProvider v1.7.0
To upgrade from previous versions, check out UPGRADE notes.
This release requires manual fixes, please refer to the specific UPGRADE-1.7 notes for the release.
- vPBX:
- Add route-locks as conditional route criteria
- Avoid missed calls setting for huntgroups
- Fix user-extension-mailbox trigger and logics
- Retail:
- Add call forward settings per retail account
- Add voicemail per retail account
- Portals:
- Add enable/disable toggle for user cfw settings
- Limit voice channel per brand
- Kamailio:
- Avoid crash when malformed request was received
- Disable DB insert per transaction
IvozProvider v2.0.0
This release is not yet production ready.
Please see #388 for extra release information.
Core goals:
Migrate from Debian 8 to Debian 9:
- PHP 7.0
- MySQL 5.7
Rewrite core libraries from Zendframework1 to Symfony3
Migrate existing applications to new library: AGIs, async workers, etc.
Create a new restful API based on OpenAPI specification
Billing logic migrated from custom scripts to CGrateS billing engine
Numeric Transformation for number i18n fully rewritten
- All transformations are made in Kamailio now: AS only talk E.164 format (with '+')
Remove CDR async worker, making simpler CDRs but unambiguously linked to a user/friend/retailAccount
- Merge IVR common and IVR custom sections
- Enable autofill options for queues
- New default call distribution method (hash based)
- Disable DB insert per SIP transaction
- Add evapi module for CGrateS and all needed logics
- Implement 422 Session Interval Too Small logic
- Avoid using invalid SIP credentials more than once
- All external number entries have a country prefix selector now
- Migrate userportal to new API
- Call-User relationship is unique now
- Call ACL use matchlists now
- Domain logic reworked to avoid stale references and unnecessary hooks
- Remove the existing unique db-trigger
- Add cgrates tables
- Migration logic from old billing entities to CGrateS ones
- Added redis as stordb running on proxy profile
- Invoice worker rewritten to retrieve CGrateS billing information
- Most of the entities are now tested through e2e test in admin portal
- More than of 200 unit tests of entity services
- SIP BBS tests enhanced
IvozProvider v1.6.3
- vPBX: Boss-assistant feature uses matchlists to define exceptions
- Mappers: Fix From-domain in retailAccounts and Friends
- Kamailio: Handle '422 Session Internal Too Small' properly
IvozProvider v1.6.2
- OutgoingDDIRules: fixed behaviour when default action was force
- IVR: removed noAnswer handler from IVRCommon and IVRCustom
- IVR: added noInput handler to IVRCommon and IVRCustom
- Asterisk: fixed a noaudio issue with asymmetric coded negociations
- Asterisk: fixed hanguped calls with direct media with UPDATEs
- Asterisk: fixed CBAnn conference channels being stuck
- Kamailio: Added new call distribute methods (static, roundrobin or hash based)
- Portals: Improve delete popup information in multiple screens
- Portals: Avoid changing Queue strategy to Linear after creation
- Portals: Added domain in Retail account lists
- Portals: Toggle Company/Brands fields based on active Features
- Portals: Improved Register Status displayed information
- Mappers: Added Retail/Companies constraints handlers
IvozProvider v1.6.1
- userportal: Fix CSV call exporter and search filters
- vPBX: Fix pickupgroups to use names instead of numbers
- vPBX: Fix action if timeout in IVRs
- provisioning: Specific step now checks file extension
- Minor documentation improvements
IvozProvider v1.6.0
Administration Portal
- Reviewed english and spanish translations
- Removed multiple unused configuration files
- Removed outgoingDDIRules field from Retail client screens
Application Server
- Upgraded asterisk version to 13.17.0
Proxy Users
- Improved presence changes notification
- Upgraded kamailio version to 4.4.6
- Added new route type: conditional
- Available in DDIs, Extensions and IVRCustom entries
- Allows dynamic routing based on origin, schedule and calendars
- OutgoingDDI Rules now applies to all call routes
- IVRCustom: Fixed a bug where extensions to friends were not being routed
- Added new route type: conditional
- Added multiple SIP bbs tests
- Minor documentation improvements
IvozProvider v1.5.0
Administration Portal
- Added register status in Terminals, Friends and Accounts lists
- Billable calls now display used Peering Contract
- Created companies have external calls limited by default (2 in retail, 10 in vPBX)
- Match Lists: New section for grouping specific numbers or numeric patterns
- Company networks can now have any mask
- Allow using a uploaded/recorded locution as voicemail message by user
- Outgoing DDI Rules: New section for dynamic assigning presentation DDI
based on call destination.
User portal
- Added QR with Grandstream Wave provision information
- Fixed a bug with call history filtering
Application Server
- Huntgroup Ringall canceled calls are not longer registered as missed
- Implemented BlackList and WhiteList in ExternalFilters
- Fixed a bug with on demand recording using DTMF
- Fixed a bug with presented number when 302 Moved is received
- Allow + as international prefix
- Provisioning Specific URLs paths can now be customized
- Improved invoice templates to support multiline description
- Improved invoice templates to hide empty sections
- Fixed a bug with thousands separator totals
- Fixed a bug where recording duration was negative
- Added documentation for queue strategies
- Added documentation for match lists
- Added documentation for outgoing ddi rules
- Improved documentation for recording locutions dialing service code
- Switched software license from EUPLv1.1 to GPLv
IvozProvider v1.4.0
To upgrade from previous versions, check out UPGRADE notes.
This release requires manual fixes, please refer to the specific UPGRADE-1.4 notes for the release.
Web Portals
- Brands and Companies deletion now requires input confirmation
- Added Calendar dates CSV Importer
- Removed broken data exporters and importers
- Add support for roadwarriors: users without source IP filtering enabled
- Fixed Presence notifications for Cisco Phones
- Terminals: Add support for H.264 Video codec for calls between users
- IVR: Fixed a bug where welcome locution was not being reproduced
- Services: Added a new service to record locutions from terminal
- Services: Voicemail service can now check other users' voicemails
- Added a new company type for Retail Clients
- Like virtual pbx companies, they have
- IP Filtering
- Pricing Plans
- Invoices
- Specific outgoing routing
- Retail clients can have multiple retail accounts
- Provide connectivity between Contract Peerings and the client
- DDIs with optional Recordings and Virtual Fax features
Invoices (See specific UPGRADE notes)
- Replaced Invoices PDF generation engine
- Drastically performance improvement
- Replaced Invoices Format to HTML
- WARNING: old invoice templates are no longer valid, see new sample files
- Replaced Invoices PDF generation engine
- Added basic Rest API tests for mappers and models
- Added basic SIP tests simulating multiple UAC and Unassigned
IvozProvider v1.3.0
Web Portals
- Improved password generation in Terminals and Friends to avoid problematic symbols
- Fixed costs can now have long descriptive text
- Fixed provisioning template editor tester
- Fixed Company domain not being saved on new created companies
- Companies and Brands now have some features that can be toggled in order to hide/show
different sections of the web or special behaviours:
* Friends
* Recordings
* Faxes
* Conferences
* Queues
* Invoices
* Billing
* Voice error notifications
- Add support for default Company Outgoing DDI
- Friends have directmedia enabled using INVITE method
- Friends Diversion headers are removed before placing external calls
- Friends can use any company DDI as outgoing DDI for external calls
- Added error notifications over progress:
- Enabled via Brand/Companies Features
- Plays a fixed locution when configuration does not allow to call (ACL, Pricing, etc)
- Added Queues support:
- Beta Stage: This requires more testing for distributed installations
- Enabled via Brand/Companies Features
- Very basic queue and members configuration
- Replaced call waiting logics with max calls
- Moved endpoints' presence notification from Asterisk to Kamailio using presence modules
- Fixed multiples bugs during Gateway failover processing
- Avoid marking as disabled the last Application Server in dispatcher list
- Fixed numeric transformation in Diversion headers on external outbound calls
- Prefixes are now added after numeric transformations, making them useful
- Reworked AGI logics for sending and receiving faxes
- Removed fax sender working from gearmand
- Replaced AMI request to send faxes by ARI requests
- Email notificatations are now sent using Brand's configured address
- Implement Brand/Company recordings rotation based on disk usage
- Fixed a bug where only one direction of the stream was being recorded
- Improvements and fixes for Spanish translation
IvozProvider v1.2.0
Standalone Installation:
- Fixed a bug with default mysql passwords when repository packages where used
- Now both Kamailios (Users/Trunks) can run with the same public IP address
Web Portals:
- Fix templates encodings to UTF-8
- Added MAC address and domain in Terminals lists
- Each brand can now configure the email address and name of platform notifications
- Fixed all screens spinners arrow position
- Users without voicemail are no longer available in voicemail route destinations
- New routable option: Friends
- Designed to create SIP trunks that allows other PBX to ingretate with the platform
- Friends have number patterns to determine what calls will be redirected
- Friends share multiple aspects with terminals (codecs/update methods/etc)
- Friends share multiple aspects with terminals (ACL patterns, DDIs, Languages)
- Terminals has now only one selectable codec
- Extensions can now contain any character after the first mandatory digit
- Direct Pickup no longer users pickup groups to check permissions
- DDIs have now a field to force displayed caller name
- IVR Custom entries can be either numbers or regular expressions
- IVR has now max configurable input length
- Voicemails email notification templates can now be configured in filesystem
- Fixed a bug where voicemails where only assigned to last created extensions
- Fixed a bug where holdays events locutions where never played
- Fixed a bug with IVR without welcome locution
- New routable option: Friends
- Added an option to accept on-demand recordings using in call DTMF codes
- Now both Kamailios (Users/Trunks) can run with the same
- Decreased Kamailio check AS availability interval from 30 to 5 seconds
- Disabled redis realtime publishes (requires more testing)
- Fixed a bug where in-dialog transaction was started before initial ACK was received
- Use round-robin algorithm instead of call-load distribution
- Included supported terminal models in the default database
- Templates screens now have the option to restore or reset templates to default
- Added support for Yealink W5X
Billing & Invoices
- External raters can now set per-company custom settings
- Fixed a bug with format of time periods greater that 24 hours
- Fixed a bug with euro symbol in templates
- Fixed a bug with format of prices with 0 value in invoices
- Fixed a bug where invoices with more than 50 patters crashed during generation
- Improve main logics and log messages of cdr-parser
- Now all documentation source texts should be in english for all sections
- Updated all spanish translations
- Started i18n of images from spanish to english
- Added default credentials in the installation section
- Removed ntp dependency in favor of systemd-timesyncd