Releases: irontec/ivozprovider
IvozProvider v2.16.0
This release requires manual fixes, please refer to the specific UPGRADE-2.16 notes.
- Added MaxDailyUsage mail notifications
- Validate retail call forward settings
- Unique administrator usernames
- Added support for SRTP media encryption
- Fixed WebRTC compatibilities issues
- Added per client GeoIP filtering support
- Redesigned SIP auth (dropped kam_users view)
- Fixed within dialog invalid Contact from client UACs
- MaxDailyUsage hangs up active calls when limit is reached
- Added endpointName field to CDRs
- Added inbound call CSV schedules filtered by user/friend/fax
- Added inbound call CSV schedules filtered by DDI Provider
- Added inbound call CSV schedules filtered by DDI Provider
- Added transform always toggle for friends
- Added optional SIP auth for direct friends
- Added service handling for friends
- Disable queue member after failed call attempt
- Added caller blacklisting feature
- Added unconditional call forward
- Exposed active calls on client API
- Fixed PUT response format
- Allowed DELETE on Recordings
- Added outbound/inbound to activeCalls endpoint response
- Added Snom DXXX sample templates (D375, D717, D735, D785)
- Added new section to list and unban anti brute-force sources
- Added filter field for emulation pop-up window
- Fixed call rerating from Carrier call list
- Fixed client generic matchlist deletion
- Fixed client generic invoice template deletion
- Added failure reason to price CSV importer
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level
IvozProvider v2.15.2
Application Server
- Diversion related minor improvements
- Fixed a loop in HuntGroup user call forwards
- Fixed unsolicited MWI for residential clients
- Fixed encoding issues on rate importer
- Added userId/faxId/friendId for external inbound calls CDRs
- Fixed empty pointer free warning log
- No user CDR for non-vpbx calls
- Disabled antiflood for trunks proxy
- Reduced log messages
- Anti brute-force attack mechanism
- Ban addresses rejected by IP filter
- Increased registration min expires to 900
- Deductible Connection Fee (minCost)
- Registration summary brand/client endpoint
- Improved client-level endpoint ACLs
- New Carrier / CarrierServer status icon
- Fixed emulations issues
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level
IvozProvider v2.15.1
Application Server
- Ignore user call timeout when call forwards are disabled
- Roadwarrior registration ip filter fix
- Fix unreachable cfwd for direct retails
- Improve wholesale call logic
- No carrierId for bounced calls
- Patch Kamailio-redis reconnection logic
- Realtime fix edge cases
- No cost calculation for bounced calls
- Fixed recording speed when call had silent RTP gaps
- New ALG/STUN guesser on register status
- New restriction in destination rates file importer maximum length, up to 75000 lines
- New realtime calls filter form
- Several realtime bug fixes
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level
IvozProvider v2.15.0
Application Server
- Follow user call forward settings in HuntGroups (configurable)
- External numbers as Huntgroup members
- Configurable missed calls in Queues
- IntervPBX friends need no regexps
- ACLs for web portal users (limit access to specific sections)
- Changes in user call forward coexistence
- Show client entities in CDRS (user, friend, fax, retail account and residential device)
- Show client DDI in CDRs
- Show carrier for outbound call in CDRS
- CSV scheduler by client entity (user, friend, fax, retail account, residential device)
- CSV scheduler by client DDI
- CSV scheduler by carrier for outbound calls
- DDI In sane defaults and improved help
- Support for multiple signalling IPs in KamTrunks
- On-demand record dual simultaneous mode: DTMFs + SIP INFO
- IP filter for non-INVITE requests
- Save DDI Provider in external inbound calls
- New Active calls god section with realtime call information dashboard
- New Active calls brand section with realtime call information dashboard
- New Active calls client section with realtime call information dashboard
- New Users brand section to see register status of all users
- New Antiflood blocked addresses god section
- New IP filter blocked addresses brand section
- Extension to number CSV importer (aliases)
- Redesign SIP domains section
- ACLs for API users (permissions to certain operations in specific endpoints)
- Maximun items per page increased from 500 to 5k on client API and from 500 to 10k on brand and platform APIs.
- Optimized memory usage on unpaginated API requests, especially with JSON response format
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level
IvozProvider v2.14.1
Application Server
- Disabled direcmedia for every friend to prevent issues.
- Error prevention on scheduled invoices
- Fix offline billing CGRateS request to calculate cost
- Recover disableDestination flag logic for CSV imports
- Fix interpbx friends device call forwards
- Apply fax routes to retail T.38 accounts
- Fix parsed value for inbound calls
- Fixed invoice template tester
- DirectConnectivity defaults to No for new retail/residential/friend
- ddiIn defaults to No for new retail/residential/friends
- round daily usage value
- Deprecated /api/brand/users_cdrs endpoint
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level
IvozProvider v2.14.0
Application Server
- Fixed a bug where only first Calendar period were being checked
- Added services codes to enable and disable Residential call forward settings
- Fixed call distribution between Carriers with same weight and different servers count
- Added stopper as new Outgoing Routing type
- Added Residential Account Id field is in CDRs
- Fixed a bug in Daily Max usage threshold not being properly stored
- Fixed default Invoice Templates contents
- Companies CDRs are no longer removed when Company is deleted
- Added new entity Special Numbers that are skipped from CDRs
- Imported Destination Rates CSV data is now properly validated
- Company Id are no longer displayed nor requested in Client API
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level
IvozProvider v2.13.2
- Fixed External Calls Client Filter
- maxDailyusage default value is now 1000000 for all type of clients
- Fixed Terminal Model templates backup overwrite
- Reviewed Catalan translations in Administration and User portals
- Remove Brand fields from Invoice Templates
- IVR entry Welcome locutions is now known as Success locution
- Not Registered Call Forward type is now known as Unreachable
- Call Registry is now only available to vPBX clients
- Improved default Transformation Rules to handle more number formats
- Fixed incoming retail calls with T.38 passthrough enabled
- Fixed a bug while checking weekday in External Call Filter Schedules
- Skipped voicemail intro when user has recorded message
- Added null/notnull as valid filter value for nullable fields
- Improved performance for unpaginated API requests
- WebPortal endpoint now includes type field
- Added documentation for basic API usage
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level
IvozProvider v2.13.1
- Fixed a bug where default Invoice templates was being assigned to emulated brand
- Fixed a bug where recordings could be deleted when it shouldn't
- Restored Externally rater custom options in Company screens
- Improved CGRateS reloads when Destinations have not changed
- Fixed Brand invoice data display in default Invoice templates
- Fixed a bug with wholesale Diversion header domains
- Billable calls cost field can now be edited from Rest API
- Added missing CalendarPeriod endpoint
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level
IvozProvider v2.13.0
- Hide recordings delete button based on client configuration
- New platform section to create Invoice templates that any brand in the platform can reuse
- Added four new Brand fields to configure Clients notifications templates default value
- New feature to set a maximum daily usage by client (1000000 € by default)
- Added block routes concept to Outgoing Routings
- Added cgrates_mode runtime parameter that allows national calls to be allowed in CGRateS down scenarios
- Added PUT /billable_calls/{callid}/rate endpoint on platform and brand APIs
- Removed deprecated brand attribute from brand API (as it can be auto resolved)
- Fixed routing pattern creation/edition logic
- Fixed some deprecation warnings
- Fixed regression on balance operations (both company and carrier)
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level
IvozProvider v2.12.1
- Added translated strings for Catalan language
- Filter timezone dropdowns based on selected Country
- Added missing country code field in Residential External call filters
- Carrier cost fields are no longer displayed when Billing feature is disabled
- Fix carrier External calls list CSV export
- Fix client rating profiles CSV export
- Do not generate carrier CDR if calculate cost is disabled
- Avoid unreal error log messages
- Retail client calls are now recorded based on DDI record configuration
- Improved documentation for Holiday Dates and Calendar Periods
- Improved documentation for imported DestinationRates CSV files
- Added Catalan and Italian in default portal language menu
- Removed 32 bits package support
- Exposed some inverse relationships on PUT and POST methods
- Added register status endpoint on ddi provider registrations
- Improve CDR mixer memory usage
See specific API changelog (Platform, Brand, Client) for detailed information on changes for each level